Tom Duncan

“The GOP’s New Gold Rush” – Tim Murphy

“After three decades of railing against America’s monetary policies, Congress’ most famous gold bug and anti-Fed crusader, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), doesn’t have much to show for his efforts on […]

“Our House Is Not in Order” – FDR

“For the fiscal year 1934, based on the appropriation bills passed by the last Congress and the estimated revenues, the deficit will probably exceed $1,000,000,000 unless immediate action is taken. […]

“Crises Nudge Debt Loads to Brink” – WSJ

“The financial strains created by crises in Japan and Europe highlight a growing problem: The rich world is getting close to the point where it won’t be able to bear […]

“Taming Leviathan” – The Economist

“Costly though it has been, the financial crisis has merely brought forward a fiscal reckoning. In most of the rich world ageing populations have been driving up the cost of […]

Prosperity and Depression – Harberler

“Are you serious about business cycle theory? In 1937, back when economists thought big and coherent thoughts about the boom-bust cycle, long before mainstream economists began to doubt the existence […]