Tyler Watts

The Mutual Mower Association

Larry, George, and Steve all live next door to each other in the quiet town of Ayr. As respectable men about town, they all endeavor to keep their houses neat, […]

The Essence of Central Banking

“In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.” –Yogi Berra In theory, central banks exist to do things like “promote economic stability” and “uphold […]


“I am not an Economist…”

“…nor am I a doctor. But here is a critique of a school of economic thought, along with an appendectomy!”     “Donny, you’re out of your element.” Fans of […]

Cracks in the Fiscal Dam

by Tyler Watts I’ll admit it: we fiscal hawks are increasingly mystified that things haven’t blown up yet for Uncle Sam. The Fed has held interest rates at zero for […]

The Euro (Double) Standard

The received wisdom in economic history places much of the blame for the Great Depression squarely on the shoulders of the gold standard. For instance, Berkley economist Barry Eichengreen states, […]

Golden Paperweights, and Other Investments

Why gold isn’t money, steak isn’t food, and you’re not really reading this… File this one under “you’ve got to be pulling on my leg:” an unsigned editorial at Nasdaq.com […]

Man Shot and Killed. Bullet Arrested.

   Yahoo Finance writer Aaron Task told to carry water for the Fed, but instead writes an obfuscating apologia for inflationist institution. Aaron Task over at Yahoo Finance thinks he […]

America’s Dirty Laundering

 No matter how many times they clean it, the fresh ink stains just won’t go away. Forget, for a moment, about all the horrible economic damage the Fed is responsible […]