Vincent Geloso

Slavery Did Not Make America Richer

A close and careful look at the empirical record reveals that one cannot infer that America was made richer from slavery. It is even clear that America was made poorer by slavery.


How Government Prolonged the Lobotomy

The use of the lobotomy in US medical history is a shocking and concerning event which continues to leave physicians and historians asking how such a thing could happen. Now we know.


Economists Should First Do No Harm

We ought to attack the true root cause of inequality — that is, rent-seeking. This is far more productive than redistributing the rents that the rent-seekers captured.


Castro’s Revolution on Its 60th Anniversary

The road not taken by Cuba, that of not having the revolution, is one on which the country would have been healthier and richer than it is now. This denial of human flourishing makes Cuba just like any other Communist regime, and thus the regime deserves only scorn.
