Vincent Geloso

States Shouldn’t Dictate Curricular Content

“Regardless of how one tries to cut it, state involvement in schooling creates a profound alteration of political incentives. The debates in America over critical race theory in high school constitute the most recent (and most divisive) illustration of this.” ~ Vincent Geloso

Don’t Blame Amazon, Blame Government Policies!

“Remedies such as using antitrust legislation or implementing additional regulations would amount to the pyromaniac acting as firefighter. After all, the problem may simply be caused by too much government intervention in the first place.” ~ Vincent Geloso

Trade, Raid and the State Against First Nations

“Many have lost track of a key fact about residential schools: these schools were mandatory state-funded schools. The federal government acted as an advocate for settlers to the Canadian Prairies and disregarded the natural rights of individuals from First Nations. It was by government fiat that these abuses were sanctioned and conducted.” ~ Vincent Geloso

Why School Choice Matters Beyond Academic Achievement!

“It is always worthwhile to take account of the bigger picture. Schooling is not only about what government departments can easily measure; it is also about these harder to measure aspects of a child’s well-being which parents are often best incentivized to understand and identify.” ~ Vincent Geloso

Do We Need Patents? A Look at Biological Innovations in 19th Century America

“Considerable resources are expended in the regulatory process to obtain (and defend) patents which may be unnecessary incentives to innovation. In the process, we may end up deterring innovation. With our presently heightened sense of the importance of research and development in setting our living standards, this possibility must be seriously taken into consideration.” ~ Vincent Geloso

The Super-Rich Are Not Who You Think They Are!

“The work of Scott provides a powerful illustration of the importance of the qualification proposed by defenders of the super-rich. It is not wealth that is problematic, it is wealth generated by muting the forces of the market process (i.e. by rent-seeking). In other words, the policies that produce inequality matter!” ~ Vincent Geloso

Inequality Can Be Hurtful…in Unfree Societies

“Economically free nations tend, by virtue of their protection of property rights, to produce more rewards to effort which increases the likelihood of upward mobility. There is one simple implication from this: if you are concerned about the societal effects of inequality, you really are concerned by the low quality of institutions.” ~ Vincent Geloso

The Industrial Revolution Was Not a Wash!

“The findings of these recent articles are incredible for anyone seeking to bridge the divide between scholarly knowledge and the popular imagination. They show that even the worst-case scenario implies that the Industrial Revolution constituted a momentous and positive development in terms of the quality of life of the poorest.” ~ Vincent Geloso

The Interest Groups Behind the Asylum in America

“Those who are interested in the underlying causes of the expansion of governments should do well to remember the example of American asylums. Governments can grow for seemingly noble motivations, but there is always an opportunity for self-interested groups to tag along in ways that will matter later when the time comes to assess outcomes.” ~ Vincent Geloso & Raymond J. March

The Ukraine Famine of 1933 was a Government-Made Disaster

“This work of economic history is not just worth reading because of its well-executed nature. It is worth reading because it is a potent reminder of how governments can fuel some of the worst disasters in human history.” ~ Vincent Geloso