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Use the AIER Custom Search to find articles and research published on a specific date. If you are looking for a range of dates and / or keyword, please choose Advanced Search below.

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Austrian business cycle theory and monetary equilibrium

As Steve Horwitz has shown, the insights of Austrian macroeconomics and monetary disequilibrium theory can be combined to yield a powerful paradigm for understanding how monetary policy affects the economy.  Crucial to this synthesis is the neutrality of money.  Remember that money is neutral when it facilitates exchange, but does not distort the terms of exchange.  […]

February 3, 2016

Green Companies Can Produce Competitive Returns

Green investing doesn’t have to mean weaker performance. Quite to the contrary, sustainable corporate practices can signal stronger long-term prospects. So writes Sara Silver in “When Quants Take on Climate Change,” winner of the 2016 Women’s Economic Round Table (WERT) Business Prize

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