Economics and Economic Freedom

A free and prosperous society requires a functioning market economy at its foundation. Using a broad array of tools drawn from price theory, public choice analysis, Austrian theory, and classical empiricism, our study of economics and economic freedom explores the underpinnings of the market system, the roots of economic prosperity, and emerging threats to the same in the public policy sphere. Our work includes the measurement of freedom and providing practical economic information for people to make better decisions.


New Single-Family Home Sales Rise but Signs of Moderation Are Emerging

“New-home sales rose in July while supply conditions eased a bit further. Rising prices, somewhat higher mortgage rates, and resurgent Covid cases are likely to sustain continued crosswinds and increased uncertainty for the housing market.” – Robert Hughes

Fawning Over Fauci

“The lack of any serious investigation into Anthony Fauci is an object lesson in groupthink and the ‘gated institutional narrative. Though it might mean sacrificing short-term gains, journalists who do their jobs will be rewarded in the long run.'” ~ Max Borders

The Lumber Market Crash

“Unfortunately, carefully considering trade-offs remains alien to the calculus of public officials. From utter scarcity to crushing abundance in less than 100 days, the lumber epic is entering a new phase.” ~ Peter C. Earle

A Letter from the Editor

“So join us, starting tomorrow, for what comes next from Great Barrington and AIER. It is my honor to help steer this wonderful ship, and I look forward to sharing our content with all of you.” ~ James R. Harrigan

Lockdown DIY Injuries: A Lagging Indicator?

“The trade-offs of avoiding care for physical injuries in lieu of exposure to Covid are questionable at best, and like other effects of pandemic policies may balloon in the coming years and decades.” ~ Peter C. Earle & Jessica Rood