Economics and Economic Freedom

A free and prosperous society requires a functioning market economy at its foundation. Using a broad array of tools drawn from price theory, public choice analysis, Austrian theory, and classical empiricism, our study of economics and economic freedom explores the underpinnings of the market system, the roots of economic prosperity, and emerging threats to the same in the public policy sphere. Our work includes the measurement of freedom and providing practical economic information for people to make better decisions.


A Conversation on Keynes, Morality, and the Economy

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan sits down with AIER Visiting Fellow, Dr. Victor Claar to speak about his recent research and publications on the ideas of John Maynard Keynes and their long-term impact on how we view economics from a moral perspective.” ~ AIER

CNN’s Death Toll

“Throughout the pandemic, CNN and certain other cable news networks deliberately induced panic in order to boost their ratings and the CDC recently revealed that anxiety is the second most important contributing factor to death from/with Covid. Mass media pundits may have been as deadly as Masses or mass meetings.” ~ Robert E. Wright

Understanding China’s Financial Market Chaos

“In this case, Beijing seems to be making a calculated decision to pursue immediate political goals over long-term growth. Such trends are likely to continue and will make investing in Chinese companies increasingly unattractive.” ~ Ethan Yang

Sweden: Despite Variants, No Lockdowns, No Daily Covid Deaths

“Thus the country the media loved to hate is reaping the best of all worlds: Few current cases and deaths, stronger economic growth than the lockdown countries, and its people never experienced the yoke of tyranny.” ~ Michael Fumento

Consumer Spending Drives Economic Recovery in the Second Quarter

“The U.S. economy posted another strong quarter of growth, led by consumer spending. The outlook remains favorable but the Delta variant, accelerating consumer price increases from material shortages, labor and logistical issues, and potential changes to monetary and fiscal policies are keeping uncertainty elevated.” – Robert Hughes

Federal Court Rules Against Closing Private Schools

“The Court’s ruling was a long-overdue check on the egos of California’s leaders who, through the entire pandemic, treated its citizens like lab rats. Its lockdown policies have been the most severe and the most arbitrary, paying little attention to evidence or the law.” ~ Ethan Yang