Economics and Economic Freedom

A free and prosperous society requires a functioning market economy at its foundation. Using a broad array of tools drawn from price theory, public choice analysis, Austrian theory, and classical empiricism, our study of economics and economic freedom explores the underpinnings of the market system, the roots of economic prosperity, and emerging threats to the same in the public policy sphere. Our work includes the measurement of freedom and providing practical economic information for people to make better decisions.


The Race to Win Covidfinity

“It doesn’t much matter what the future ‘threat’ will look like, or how damaging the Delta or Epsilon variants currently seem. I’m afraid of Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Though, I don’t think it’ll be a string of a pretty lame coronavirus, but something considerably worse.” ~ Joakim Book

New Single-Family Home Sales Fell Again in June

“New-home sales fell again in June and supply conditions eased a bit. Rising prices, and somewhat higher mortgage rates should continue weighing on activity.” – Robert Hughes

US Militarism Abroad is Hypocritical and Counterproductive

“Much like big government activism fails here at home, overconfidence in military intervention has only promised failure abroad. A pivot towards a more humble foreign policy based on cooperation as well as shared leadership, much like it would for domestic policy, will yield a much safer world for freedom and democracy.” ~ Ethan Yang

Prices Have Work To Do, Even in Pandemics

“It has been the government’s failure to not let market prices work at all and instead address the pandemic with command-and-control policies that have created shortages, thwarted innovation, and distributed vaccines based not on what will most internalize the spillover benefits of vaccination but based on political considerations about who should enjoy the private benefits of vaccination.” ~ Art Carden

What About “Whataboutism?”

“When the cry of ‘Well… what about X?’ arises in argumentation, it is a good time to step back and evaluate the claim through the eyes of others. It may be that the claim holds no merit. Alternatively, it may open our eyes to bigger problems that we’ve failed to notice.” ~ Anthony Gill