Economics and Economic Freedom

A free and prosperous society requires a functioning market economy at its foundation. Using a broad array of tools drawn from price theory, public choice analysis, Austrian theory, and classical empiricism, our study of economics and economic freedom explores the underpinnings of the market system, the roots of economic prosperity, and emerging threats to the same in the public policy sphere. Our work includes the measurement of freedom and providing practical economic information for people to make better decisions.


Why “Good” People Enable Totalitarians

“Forces are acting to paralyze the human spirit. We should deceive ourselves no longer. Without the consent and assistance of good people, totalitarians have no power. Governments, Mises warned, ‘become liberal only when forced to by the citizens.'” ~ Barry Brownstein

Richard Branson’s Genius and Putting the Rich First

“The only question about the tomorrow in this story is whether or not there will be money to make space travel affordable. This question will be answered more clearly, and to all of our betterment, if the rich are rightly moved to the front of the line to the certain detriment of grasping politicians.” ~ John Tamny

Under Biden Free Enterprise Means Government Control

“If Joe Biden’s Executive Order is fully implemented we will be that much closer to a comprehensively managed economy, with nothing done by any private enterprise free from the intrusive hand of government. Welcome to President Biden’s Orwellian newspeak – ‘freedom of enterprise’ really means ‘government control of business.'” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

The “Honest History” Fraud

“The best lesson young Americans could receive from studying history is a radical skepticism of officialdom and all its hokum. Virtue signaling is no substitute for learning how to defend one’s rights and liberties.” ~ James Bovard

Housing Starts Rise but Permits Fall as Pandemic Pressures Continue to Unwind

“Home construction activity showed further signs of cooling in June. The combination of a reopening economy that may be reversing pandemic-related housing preferences and rising single-family home prices appear to be dampening demand while labor difficulties restrain supply.” – Robert Hughes

Sacred Is as Sacred Sells

“While a precise value of sacred claims that stop mining or pipelines cannot be assigned, the impact of successful claims can certainly be measured in the value of lost jobs, higher prices for less abundant materials like lithium, delays and costs in slowing global warming.” ~ Wallace Kaufman