The Sound Money Project was founded in January 2009 to conduct research and promote awareness about monetary stability and financial privacy. The project is comprised of leading academics and practitioners in money, banking, and macroeconomics. It offers regular commentary and in-depth analysis on monetary policy, alternative monetary systems, financial markets regulation, cryptocurrencies, and the history of monetary and macroeconomic thought.
“We use models, mathematical or otherwise, because they help us understand the real world. Let’s not define that world out of existence. Supply problems can, in fact, cause inflation.” ~ Alexander William Salter
“The Fed increased its federal funds rate target by 50 basis points in May 2022 and looks set to follow with similar rate hikes in June and July. The price level data from April shows no anticipatory effects of the policy.” ~ William J. Luther
“A few weeks ago the stablecoin called TerraUSD broke its peg from the dollar and collapsed along with the protocol’s flexible price LUNA token, and now you know why.” ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson
“With inflation raging at the highest rate in 40 years, it is time to reexamine the Fed’s legitimate responsibilities.” ~ Nicholas Curott & James McClure
“Is ‘Putin’s Price Hike’ real? Are supply chain disturbances the most significant source of inflation, or is there more to the story? Thomas Hogan gives us his perspective on the causes of inflation.” ~ Kate Wand
“The growth rate of currency in circulation has been back to pre-crisis rates for at least 2 quarters. We should expect inflation and the growth rate of expenditures to follow and inflationary winds to subside as a result.” ~ James L. Caton
“Where Agarwal and Kimball comment that the zero lower bound ‘is not a law of nature, but a policy choice,’ I suggest that the same is true about the need to fight an excess demand for money by cutting an interest rate instrument or target.” ~ Lawrence H. White
“If persistent deviations from the Federal Reserve’s target can be costly in terms of resource misallocation, imagine the costs associated with simultaneous fluctuations in both inflation and its target for inflation.” ~ Joshua Hendrickson
“Last month, I joined Caleb Brown on the Cato Daily Podcast. We discussed how inflation—and our understanding of inflation—evolved over the last year, when the Fed should have moved on inflation, and how much grace the Fed deserves when we evaluate its monumental miss.” ~ William J. Luther
“The Fed—an institution that, time and again, has proven that it cannot forecast the inflation rate or GDP growth over the next three months let alone years into the future—gets to decide what level of individual bank losses are ‘accurate’ in these hypothetical climate apocalypse scenarios.” ~ Paul H. Kupiec
“Bitcoin, or cryptocurrency more generally, allows us to look at issues related to exchange, money, payments, and finance through a new lens.” ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson
“To tame the inflationary beast and to build a more humane economy, especially for the poor, we need to grapple with inflation’s practical and moral effects.” ~ Dylan Pahman & Alexander William Salter