Economics textbooks feature a coherent theory of how markets can allocate scarce resources in ways that achieve what is plausibly described as maximum possible human satisfaction.
“Individuals who we don’t know and who don’t know us seek to gain our trust so that they can then gain open-ended access to our wealth.” ~Don Boudreaux
“Every now and then we encounter a problem that does have a solution. The kidney shortage is one of these problems.” ~Don Boudreaux
“Humans do not obtain god-like knowledge, wisdom, or goodness by acting politically.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
“Politicians’ first-name basis… is a mercenary maneuver to gain our confidence on the cheap. It is literally a con game.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
“I’ve never encountered a protectionist of any stripe who explains why the jobs preserved by protectionism have a higher non-material or ethical importance than do the jobs destroyed by protectionism.” ~Donald Boudreaux
“If other governments insist on harming their countries’ economies with such interventions, that’s their business. We can pity the citizens of those countries.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
“Protectionist subsidy of American EV producers necessarily diverts resources away from other industries in the US. What is the value of the production that declines in America because of EV protection?” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
“Many of today’s low-income workers will be tomorrow’s middle-income workers; and many of these workers will be among the country’s highest-income earners sometime in the future.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux
“The negative connotation conveyed by the term ‘trade deficit’ is so very useful to the protectionist cause that protectionists seem to have no interest in getting their — or their audiences’ — thinking straight about this concept.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux