Jordan Schachtel is an investigative journalist and foreign policy analyst based in Washington, D.C.
“The supposedly dedicated committed climate change activist will take a 9,100-mile flight from Wellington to Boston. Meanwhile, back in New Zealand, Kiwis continue to come out in droves to protest the Ardern-led self-siege policy.” ~ Jordan Schachtel
“There are no longer any ‘success stories’ involving nations using tyrannical means in an attempt to stop a virus. Zero Covid, as any rational person could have predicted a long time ago, has failed in spectacular fashion.” ~ Jordan Schachtel
“With the corrupt policies being pursued by the authorities in statewide office, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that not everyone in the state is thrilled with the policies being pushed by Salem. On Tuesday, 5 Oregon counties voted in favor of leaving the state and becoming part of Idaho.” ~ Jordan Schachtel
“Team Biden was able to pull the plug on Covid Mania so swiftly because they have the ability to control the federal bureaucracy, in addition to having the support of the power brokers in D.C. and a cheerleading corporate press. Team Biden is a beneficiary of insider privilege, and they used it to end Covid…
“Fauci is having the best year of his life. It has become clear that he desperately wants the show to continue, even if that means demanding that tens of millions of people suffer by conforming to his pseudoscience-based edicts. The TV doctor sure knows how to drive ratings, with the hopes that this is just…
“The demand for the recognition of basic human freedoms will soon become too obvious to ignore. There are many paths for a new Free World to emerge, but for now, the old Free World as a uniting force for Western values is a relic of history.” ~ Jordan Schachtel
“Vaccine passports are inhumane, discriminatory, and will lead America on a direct path to a China-like social credit score system that restricts our unalienable rights. The good news for you New Yorkers is that the Cuomo Administration and IBM are the dream team of incompetence. Excelsior Pass will almost certainly fail, because a legacy governor…
“New York is just one of several states that is introducing an independent vaccine passport program (Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, to his great credit has ruled it out as a misguided, authoritarian idea). These states are not alone in embracing the social credit score model. Several European Union members (The EU is introducing a ‘Digital…
“Self-proclaimed public health experts are really nothing more than aspiring autocrats who happen to populate governments and academic departments. Given the lack of actual expertise or competition in those fields, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these same individuals also happen to have atrocious track records when it comes to preventing and treating disease…
“People who can move the needle and shape opinions are finally speaking out against the failed draconian mandates, from scientists to doctors to politicians to other influential individuals, they came to the party a year late, but at least they’re here now. The repeated Chicken Little act is getting old and tiresome. Eventually, people have…