Per Bylund

Contributor/Visiting Scholar – June 2021

Per L. Bylund, PhD, is associate professor at Oklahoma State University, a two-time Visiting Scholar at AIER, Senior Fellow of the Mises Institute, and author of How to Think about the Economy: A Primer.

Follow him on Twitter @PerBylund

  • Contra Abundance

    “Not all differences are due to injustice. We can improve our own situation, both individually and collectively, by acting prudently, wisely, and productively.” ~ Per Bylund

    Contra Abundance
  • Wanted: Economic Literacy

    “Economics is in a very real sense a way of thinking that is continuously enlightening to whomever masters that science. It is not about memorizing lemmas or models, or of learning technically sophisticated methods. It’s something much more fundamental: an understanding of how the world works.” ~ Per L. Bylund

    Wanted: Economic Literacy
  • What Sweden Can Teach Us About the Economics of Pandemics

    Sweden will have avoided the lion’s share of the enormous economic, personal, and social tragedies that societies under lockdown have imposed on themselves. From this perspective, perhaps Sweden’s strategy should be neither feared nor maligned, but emulated.

    What Sweden Can Teach Us About the Economics of Pandemics