“Suppose all Americans and Kiwis look to their own self-interest by avoiding advertised drugs whenever possible. In that case, drug manufacturers would have an incentive to stop DTCA of their own accord.” ~Robert E. Wright
“Where would the money come from, existing program cuts, higher existing taxes, new taxes, and/or new money creation? Would a UBI simply displace the current hodge-podge of income transfers or add yet another layer?” ~Robert E. Wright
“In 1954, Harwood testified in the US Senate about the ‘advantages of returning to the full gold standard with the nation’s currency redeemable in gold coin on demand,’ as it had been throughout most of the nation’s history before the New Deal.” ~Robert E. Wright
“Allow individuals to build it and make clear that they cannot force others to build it for them, and they will build it. And, most likely, they will not want to blow it up.” ~Robert E. Wright
“The failure of numerous banks at once can damage the economy, as bank failure waves did during the Great Depression, the Savings and Loan crisis in the 1980s, and the 2007-10 meltdown.” ~Robert E. Wright
“The tide of historiographical battle may finally turn and with it many old canards about the culpability of the gold standard, stock shorting, greed, and so forth in the downturn.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“Just as biological parasites try to hide in the recesses of host bodies, economic parasites try to hide in the recesses of the body politic. Some, like leeches, cling tenaciously when exposed to the light. Others, like hookworms, feed deep in the belly of the economic beast.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“If a large subset of countries, like the BRICS, adopted the retail gold standard, the United States and the European Union would have to join, or watch demand for their fiat currencies decline.” ~ Robert E. Wright and Byron B. Carson III
“In other words, Herbert wanted the independence of mankind from all overreaching government, not the mere replacement of one pack of wolves for another, even a smaller or less voracious pack.” ~ Robert E. Wright