“Roane believed that it was imprudent to limit judicial review to one institution because ‘all history teaches’ that ‘power is an encroaching thing, and that all men who possess it, will feel it and forget right.'” ~ Robert E. Wright
“Critical Economic Theory can provide the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to stimulate real public policy debates instead of whatever lunacies currently take place on social media outlets.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“Freedom Fest 2021 was fun and instructive. Liberty lovers can discuss important policy matters face-to-face to great effect but some need to delve a bit deeper into the economic theories discussed at places like AIER if they really want to improve the world.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“Throughout the pandemic, CNN and certain other cable news networks deliberately induced panic in order to boost their ratings and the CDC recently revealed that anxiety is the second most important contributing factor to death from/with Covid. Mass media pundits may have been as deadly as Masses or mass meetings.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“This history lesson strongly suggests to us that security regulators should refrain from endorsing any particular ESG metric. Sadly, security regulators around the world appear to be intent on repeating the mistakes made by the SEC in the 1970s.” ~ Robert E. Wright & Andrew Smith
“Sometimes I feel like the entire world is in its final throes as humanity’s storyline becomes increasingly surreal. Judging by how often I hear other people say ‘unbelievable,’ ‘beyond belief,’ or ‘incredible,’ many others seem to feel likewise.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“Some policy memes, like some of the political cartoons of old, constitute powerful ways of spreading important policy points in pithy, thoughtful ways. Many, though, are the weak tea products of minds ignorant of even the most basic tenets of business, economic, and policy history.” ~ Robert E. Wright