Robert E. Wright

Robert E. Wright is the (co)author or (co)editor of over two dozen major books, book series, and edited collections, including AIER’s The Best of Thomas Paine (2021) and Financial Exclusion (2019). He has also (co)authored numerous articles for important journals, including the American Economic ReviewBusiness History ReviewIndependent ReviewJournal of Private EnterpriseReview of Finance, and Southern Economic Review. Robert has taught business, economics, and policy courses at Augustana University, NYU’s Stern School of Business, Temple University, the University of Virginia, and elsewhere since taking his Ph.D. in History from SUNY Buffalo in 1997. Robert E. Wright was formerly a Senior Research Faculty at the American Institute for Economic Research.

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  • Minority Rights

    “With ballots no longer secret (and hence again alienable) in many states, the Electoral College under siege, and the independence of the Supreme Court threatened, minorities tremble with trepidation. Barring disunion or a return to states rights, the only real question now is, who shall be the next minority? Besides our heroic Covid-19 survivors that…

    Minority Rights
  • Through the Pinhole, Clearly

    “The problem isn’t that healthcare professionals and sundry medical scientists see the entire world unclearly, or that they sense only part of the proverbial elephant in the room, it is that they see the world very clearly indeed, but only through their own little pinhole view of it.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Through the Pinhole, Clearly
  • John Snow vs. The John Snow Memorandum

    “No thinking person today would question John Snow’s methodology or conclusions but every day more and more thinking people are rejecting the self-serving lockdown policies espoused by the signers of the John Snow Memorandum by declaring for Great Barrington instead.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    John Snow vs. The John Snow Memorandum
  • Reaping What Big Government Sowed

    “Future generations, if there are any, will look back at 2020 and wonder why anyone thought themselves a member of a ‘democratic society’ simply because they could cast a ballot every now and again. The people (demos) do not rule, self-interested government officials do. Only by returning to limited government, voluntary association, and self-reliance can…

    Reaping What Big Government Sowed
  • Woke Financial Crisis Part Deux

    “Ideologues can claim that mathematics is merely a human construct but there really is a real world out there. It has bitten us in the keister before and appears poised to do so again, just for ignoring it. Maybe we should all wake up.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Woke Financial Crisis Part Deux
  • A Plea for Checks

    “Private organizations, whether for- or nonprofit, have to be ahead of the times in order to survive in a world of cutthroat competition. (Or cabal as Smith warned.) To see what the future holds, look to businesses and nonprofits. They would be even further ahead if they did not have to constantly worry about meddling…

    A Plea for Checks
  • Don’t Be a Party to Parties

    “Despite the Founders’ dislike of political faction, critics might retort, we have had political parties since the early 1790s and the economy has grown at modern rates ever since. That is right, but America has managed to grow despite slavery and tariffs and scads of other bad policies enacted by partisans. Think of how rich…

    Don’t Be a Party to Parties
  • News You Can’t Abuse

    “A news outlet that posted a bond with a third party that would be forfeited if it insisted on publishing anything factually wrong, or crossed the line between journalism and punditry, could create the sort of trust that people once had in the New York Times and other papers of record, all of which essentially…

    News You Can’t Abuse
  • Yes, 2021 Could Be Worse

    “Buck up, buckaroos, because 2021 is just a cultural construct anyway. The world will improve not on an arbitrary day but when you all decide to make it a better place.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    Yes, 2021 Could Be Worse
  • California’s Dreaming

    “AB 2088 could break the back of the Donkey party or unleash another dangerous wave of mostly peaceful protests throughout the land. This time, though, the fatal arrogance comes not from London but Cali you-know-what fornia.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    California’s Dreaming