Score Update: Government beating economy 21-3 late in 4th quarter… I hate to use sports metaphors when talking about the economy because, while the two realms share some basic themes […]
As the Wall Street Journal reports, 6 Yale economists convened last week in New Haven to discuss “The State of the U.S. Economy: How Do We Create More Jobs?” Not […]
It goes without saying that finances are tight for many Americans these days. The problem is not only affecting American families at all income levels, but the mighty US government. […]
Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman claims that fears of coming inflation are “unfounded.” His main arguments: Gold has been rising since 2000, while CPI inflation averaged under 3% per year […]
Roberts and Papola have done it again: a rap video that explains the divergent views of two of the most prominent economists of the 20th century. It’s better than most […]
We sound money types lament the disappearance of “good” money like gold and silver coins from day-to-day business. There is something special about these ancient and honorable monies. No, it’s […]
Milton Friedman famously stated, “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” In other words, whenever you see persistent, high inflation, you know the cause was too much money. When […]
Rejecting any serious cuts to government spending, President Obama stated recently, “Nothing is easier than solving a problem on the backs of people who are poor, for people who are […]
Driving to the big city the other day, I noticed 2 billboards along the interstate highway that struck me as unique signs of the times. No, they weren’t ads for […]