
  • The Institute’s Price Index

    Trends discussed in the latest weekly bulletin continue unchanged; electric  power production is at a five year peak; car loadings hold up and steel activity advances. Price-fixing provisions of NRA codes seem doomed to eventual elimination. The Institute presents its Price Index in this issue. Normal prices are defined as those necessary to preserve the…

  • Coming Effects of Current Events (Part 2)

    Research Reports – 11/19/1934  

  • What the President Did Not Say

    Research Reports – 11/05/1934 Those who were anticipating definite information regarding the administration’s plans for the future of the dollar were disappointed. So likewise were those who hoped for promises to balance the budget. Therefore, the door has been left open for such money juggling as may be deemed expedient in the future. It follows that the…

  • The Harwood Index of Inflation

    Research Reports – 11/01/1934 The index of purchasing power used is one form of the Harwood Index of Inflation. This index has been tested during the past six years and has proved to be an important, possibly the most important, indicator of fundamental conditions available. In this issue, we present an explanation of the index…