The Daily Economy

  • Creating So Many Jobs that Destroy Wealth 

    “Many of the jobs created directly or indirectly by government policies impose net costs on society rather than producing benefits, which worsens rather than improves Americans’ wellbeing.” ~Gary M. Galles

    Creating So Many Jobs that Destroy Wealth 
  • Bootlegger in a Baptist’s Mask

    “Bob Lighthizer wants you to join him in what he claims is a moral crusade to save a few American jobs. He fails to mention that ultimately, we will all pay much higher costs to do this.” ~G. Patrick Lynch

    Bootlegger in a Baptist’s Mask
  • Protectionists’ Cheap Tricks

    “Gains from trade are mutual, a reality that isn’t changed one iota by imposing a political boundary between the traders. Protectionism therefore strips both foreigners and Americans of these gains.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

    Protectionists’ Cheap Tricks
  • Are You a Servant of Tyranny or Liberty? 

    “What happens to a country with no constitution or deep-seated commitment to curbing the use of power? Absent those limits, virtue wanes, and it is easy for people to become servants of tyranny.” ~Barry Brownstein

    Are You a Servant of Tyranny or Liberty? 
  • Proof That Net Neutrality Was Never about ‘Saving the Internet’

    “Net Neutrality isn’t so much about creating a better Internet as much as a key step toward an Internet under government control.” ~Jon Miltimore

    Proof That Net Neutrality Was Never about ‘Saving the Internet’
  • ‘Consumer Reports’ Jettisons Objectivity on Climate Change

    “Scaring the public into action simply does not work — indeed, Chicken Little can proclaim only for a short time that the sky is falling until people begin to see through the ruse that Chicken Little is really Chicken Liar.” ~David Legates and E. Calvin Beisner

    ‘Consumer Reports’ Jettisons Objectivity on Climate Change
  • When Ideological Bubbles Trump Economic Thinking

    “That a Nobel Prize-winning economist can hold these naïve views and fail to use simple economic reasoning should give us pause about how ideology and echo chambers can dull our reasoning.” ~Paul Mueller

    When Ideological Bubbles Trump Economic Thinking
  • April’s Disinflation Delivery

    “In the first quarter of 2024, the US economy expanded at a rate of 1.6 percent per year. That’s hardly an impressive growth rate, but it’s significantly faster than money supply growth. Money looks somewhat tight.” ~Alexander W. Salter

    April’s Disinflation Delivery
  • Sloppy Utopia

    “The book is irrelevant in the exact meaning of that word: It does not answer the question it sets for itself, does not rise to the task of chronicling the big economic changes of the extended twentieth century, does not adequately and accurately capture a believable grand narrative.” ~Joakim Book

    Sloppy Utopia
  • Private Governance Will Make You Free

    “Enforcement of these emergent rules can be accomplished largely by what Adam Smith called ‘propriety,’ rather than by armed employees of the state.” ~Michael Munger

    Private Governance Will Make You Free
  • AIER Everyday Price Index Rises for Fifth Consecutive Month

    “April’s core CPI data represents the lowest of 2024 and may signal the resumption of disinflation, particularly where shelter costs are concerned. Despite some favorable signs, though, there remains a persistent inflationary pressure in certain categories.” ~Peter C. Earle

    AIER Everyday Price Index Rises for Fifth Consecutive Month
  • Japanese Immigrant Exclusion: 100 Years Later

    “Scientists and academics nationwide embraced these outward intentions to divide the ‘desirable’ immigrants from those more susceptible to crime, disease, and incompetence.” ~Will Sellers

    Japanese Immigrant Exclusion: 100 Years Later