Sound Money Project

  • The Gold Standard as a “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval

    In this article we argue that during the period from 1870 to 1914 adherence to the gold standard was a signal of financial rectitude, a “good housekeeping seal of approval,” that facilitated access by peripheral countries to capital from the core countries of western Europe. Examination of data from nine widely different capital-importing countries, using…

  • Sound Money Essay Contest

    Sound Money Essay Contest * The Deadline for The Essay Contest has been extended! Submit your essays to [email protected] on or before January 15th, 2010. A Monetary System for the Free Society The Atlas Economic Research Foundation is proud to sponsor an essay contest for students, young faculty, and policy writers, who are concerned about…

  • “To Prevent Bubbles, Restrain the Fed”

    “The U.S. cannot afford to have another lost decade. Or to see the dreams of another generation of Americans who had been told to take responsibility for their financial health by investing in the stock market dashed by failed monetary and fiscal polices. Today, the most urgent task facing President-elect Barack Obama is stabilizing financial…

  • “Why Private Banks and Not Central Banks Should Issue Currency, Especially in Less Developed Countries”

    “Nationalization of currency is largely taken for granted today, but it shouldn’t be. Adam Smith praised private currency for the benefits it had brought to his native Scotland. Most economists would agree that a legally enforced government monopoly is generally an inefficient way to produce private goods and services. The post office is a prime…

  • “Free-Market Money: A Key to Peace”

    “Free-Market Money: A Key to Peace” Steven Horwitz The Freeman, 58 (1), January-February 2008: 13-15.

  • “Money: How it works and why”

    “Money: How it works and why” Steven Horwitz part of the “Key Concepts in Free Markets” series, Fraser Forum, Vancouver, BC: Fraser Institute, April 2009, pp. 16-17.