The Sound Money Project was founded in January 2009 to conduct research and promote awareness about monetary stability and financial privacy. The project is comprised of leading academics and practitioners in money, banking, and macroeconomics. It offers regular commentary and in-depth analysis on monetary policy, alternative monetary systems, financial markets regulation, cryptocurrencies, and the history of monetary and macroeconomic thought.
“If the Fed can really make such an elementary error and get away with it, a major prudential reason for keeping it around would no longer hold.” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“People have renegotiated their wages and purchase orders with those new expectations in mind. To course correct at this late stage would amount to a very painful contraction.” ~ William J. Luther
“Policy makers should ensure that the US payment landscape is efficient, accessible, and beneficial for all stakeholders involved with as little government involvement as possible.” ~ Nicolas Cachanosky
“The battle for 2 percent inflation has already been won. Fed officials should acknowledge and celebrate the victory.” ~ William J. Luther
“It’s time to hit the brakes on modern monetary theory, functional finance, and anything else that justifies using the federal budget as an instrument of social control.” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“There’s nothing wrong with making incorrect predictions. It happens to all of us. There is something wrong with obstinacy in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence..” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“His analysis implies the Fed could buy every financial asset in the world without causing inflation.” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“Although realizing losses—or, running quasi-fiscal deficits—is new to the Fed, it is more common in developing countries. The consequences of running quasi-fiscal deficits include inflation and lack of central bank credibility.” ~ Nicolas Cachanosky
“While Waller sees the recent slowdown in inflation as positive, he is not ready to declare victory as it is only a single data point.” ~ Bryan P. Cutsinger
“US inflation was not always as persistently high as it has been under the Fed. Before the Fed, the purchasing power of the dollar was determined by supply of and demand for gold.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan
“There’s no way for non-market actors to direct credit more reliably than market actors. The discipline of profit and loss is essential.” ~ Alexander W. Salter
“The bill that the US House passed by a voice vote would require the SEC to develop a test to determine whether someone is knowledgeable enough to forgo the investor protections built into public offerings to the general public.” ~ Gerald P. Dwyer