“Money and finance are the font and essence of modernity. I honor and praise the memory of the professionals who worked in the World Trade Center.” ~Peter C. Earle
“In other words, the hand is invisible not because it is deftly hiding in the shadows, but because it isn’t there at all.” ~Paul Schwennesen
“As part of his new role as Distinguished Fellow in Political Economy and a Senior Research Faculty member, Dr. Gregg will be expanding AIER’s research initiatives in both scholarly and popular venues.” ~ AIER
“’I would like to welcome William to AIER and look forward to his stewardship of the institute in the years to come,’ said Gregory van Kipnis, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at AIER.” ~ AIER
“This year, the American Institute for Economic Research published 1,380 articles with 10.5 million readers from all countries in the world. Each article has a reason for being here: it helps illuminate the world around us in light of the primary concern for functioning markets and the free society. To choose the best among them…
The good news is that this problem will pass in time, but a sound strategy right now, in addition to individual caution, is to free the markets to make the world economy less vulnerable to shocks such as this one.
I’m very pleased to present to you the top performers of this year. These are the readers’ choices. I will post my favorites in a few days. Truly, it’s been […]
AIER can set a new and higher standard for quality, reach, and sheer intellectual firepower. We have the skill. We have the team. We have the passion. And we have a moral obligation.
Two new videos tell a short story of our history and reveal some of what we are doing today.