“America’s hope has been for the color-blind society, and in spite of everything has been moving closer to it, in numerous facets of everyday life. Its path is being blocked not by anything inherent wrong in its founding principles. Its way is threatened by those whose view of man is based on collectivist identifiers,.” ~…
“Enjoy — in moderation. The strangers are looking out for you, and they are all too happy to do so. Why? Because by looking out for you, they are better equipped to look out for the non-strangers in their lives.” ~ Art Carden
“This book is also a beneficial read for newly minted PhD candidates to aid in their productivity skills and advisors of graduate students to learn how to best mentor, guide, and be a valuable resource to their advisees. As a current doctoral student, I recommend this book wholeheartedly.” ~ Justin T. Callais
” It seems reasonable that we will never actually master every possible detail of chess, Monopoly, and other games. If games that happen within very well-defined spaces according to very well-defined rules present such insurmountable difficulties, I’m definitely skeptical of the notion that we can design and control a great society.” ~ Art Carden
“Drawing superficially on many different fields with narrative case-studies to illustrate a major point keeps the story refreshing – but risks becoming detached, unconvincing and plainly wrong.” ~ Joakim Book
“Now, at the age of 90, Thomas Sowell continues to offer us understanding and insight into the attitudes and institutions that can bring all people greater peace and prosperity, as well as human liberty.” ~ Richard Ebeling
“Other-directed voters go on social media to try to figure out which politicians and policy proposals will earn them the most plaudits from assorted avatars and social influencers. They value fitting in over logic or consistency and many seem genuinely puzzled when the inconsistencies in their expressed opinions are pointed out to them.” ~ Robert…
“By and large, Henderson and Churi are correct: developing microregulatory technology is part of a “trust revolution,” and one that promises to change and direct the 21st century economy and beyond.” ~ Art Carden
“It seems pretty clear from our experience getting a dog that the market doesn’t just love us–it loves our dog, too.” ~ Art Carden
“Remember that many commercial enterprises provide you not only with the goods and services you desire, but the vital space with which we all need to craft friendships, trust, and empathy. Without that, economies don’t function well. No supply-and-demand graph can ever capture that fully. You have to live it to believe it.” ~ Tony…
“We’ve learned that government can and will destroy our prosperity and rights under the smallest pretext. We can no longer take our freedom and opportunities for granted. We must work unrelentingly to get back what we had and make sure we lockdown our governments so that nothing like this will ever happen again.” ~ Jeffrey…
“Perhaps we somehow had to go through this time to experience the kind of world in which we do not want to live – closed, cold, cruel – and to remember what we do want for ourselves and country: to be good people who care for others and show it in the warm sunlight of…