
  • The Insidious Political Ends of Cancel Culture

    “The problem comes when such behavior gets so pervasive that it makes any sort of desirable social fabric impossible. To those people who wish to engage in the heavy politicization, divisiveness, and domination inherent to cancel culture, I say: make sure we actually have a society left.” ~ Ethan Yang

    The Insidious Political Ends of Cancel Culture
  • Watchwords that Threaten Liberty

    “This does not mean that oppressions, injustices, and ‘privileges’ have not existed and, when present, should not be repealed. But it is necessary to comprehend that, at the end of the day, it is political power, through its legitimized threat and use of force, that has been and is behind virtually all such immoral practices.…

    Watchwords that Threaten Liberty
  • Fear Is a Viral Monster

    “If a large enough number of us can be convinced that an unseen, vile monster lurks in everyone else, the resulting widespread fear empowers government officials to do what government officials do best – and what they’ve done so horribly over the past five months: destroy.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

    Fear Is a Viral Monster
  • COVID Lockdowns Will Kill Christmas

    “Aside from following the New Zealand route, or wastefully pouring money into a failing postal system (or scrapping the USPS altogether), our only option is to open up travel, and encourage individuals to accept responsibility for their own safety. Because hiding in fear is not living. Otherwise, I hope our politicians can live with telling…

    COVID Lockdowns Will Kill Christmas
  • Reform the Supreme Court? Read the Federalist Papers

    “Senator Harris and her Progressive allies would do best for the country to attempt to restore respect and understanding of the Supreme Court, not undermine it by turning it into another political game. What’s at stake is a carefully crafted legal system that stands between a free society and tyranny from the few as well…

    Reform the Supreme Court? Read the Federalist Papers
  • Consequences of Lockdowns: The Case of Maine

    “The evidence available in March suggested the vast majority of people would not suffer severe illness from the virus. This should have led state leaders to focus limited resources on protecting the most vulnerable in society. However Gov. Mills opted to shut down the entire state.” ~ AIER Staff

    Consequences of Lockdowns: The Case of Maine
  • On This Day, The Berlin Wall Began to Rise

    “Modern Germany is deceptively unified––so much so that it has become easy to relegate the cautionary tale of the GDR to the history books. But the ideology that gave rise to the Berlin Wall persists around the world. For as happily as we celebrate the day it came down, the day it rose must always…

    On This Day, The Berlin Wall Began to Rise
  • The Art of the Shakedown

    “Looking ahead to a more authoritarian future, will old-fashioned lobbying be enough to secure a measure of business freedom any more? What new steps will businesses need to take in the future to protect themselves from presidents who, instead of the Art of the Deal, prefer the Art of the Shakedown?” ~ Raymond C. Niles

    The Art of the Shakedown
  • Don’t Live Your Life In a Bubble

    “If you want a future, your generation needs to start getting the best minds behind leading. Your future and the future generations of humans now depend on it.” ~ Roger W. Koops

    Don’t Live Your Life In a Bubble
  • The New Fascism

    “Tamny is giving us a heroic book just in time to lead this movement. We have been suffering not from a medical crisis but from a political and economic and institutional crisis. We have undergone a vast breakdown of moral, educational, intellectual and journalistic standards.” ~ George Gilder

    The New Fascism
  • How Government “Cures” Drive Out Real Cures

    “A government that suppresses debate and wants to funnel billions towards politically connected firms will discredit all challengers to their favored solutions. In the name of what they define as ‘the science,’ the discovery process of real science is suppressed. Science suppressors are part of an illiberal movement whose members, in the words of Jeffrey…

    How Government “Cures” Drive Out Real Cures
  • Fact-Checking Fauci

    “The pro-lockdown position favored by Fauci and several US media outlets has become a matter of ideological commitment. Whether they are doing so to rationalize the costs we have already incurred from this disastrous approach or to further politicize the pandemic response for a variety of electoral and partisan purposes, they have embraced a pro-lockdown…

    Fact-Checking Fauci