We need to form in our minds a beautiful vision of the society and world we want to inhabit, not in its detailed operation like the central planners, and not as an end state like the socialist utopians, but in its ever-evolving institutions that serve human well being above all else.
Becoming a libertarian doesn’t mean leaving your humanity behind; on the contrary, it means embracing it fully and believing that the potential of a free life on earth is far from fully realized.
The founder of The Nation magazine would have completely rejected the Green New Deal as a socialist and illiberal disaster.
Far from fighting to supplant a prevailing ideology for our age, “neoliberalism’s” critics appear to be battling a phantasm of their own imagining.
“Tonight,” Trump said, “we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.” Indeed no complex society can be.
All forms of government intervention — taxation and regulation — within a market economy are forms of government planning.
Yes, the court decided the right way, but narrowly and not in a way that should calm the worries of anyone who believes in basic freedoms.
“Anything that our eyes could see, that our noses could smell, that our mouthes could taste, and that our ears could hear had to fit the [communist] ideological framework. Quite literally, the state expropriated my body.”
President Trump has enacted some pro-market policies, but on the whole sets back the cause of liberty.