“Without structural reforms, inflation will continue to threaten the purchasing power of Americans.” ~Vance Ginn
“It appears that Fed officials came to believe that they had the authority and power to do whatever they deem necessary to ‘fix’ the economy.” ~Paul Mueller
“Officials sent out critical letters to Truss and her Chancellor, containing an analysis that has since proved incorrect, and which were immediately leaked to the press. The damage was done – the Bank and the blob had their fall guy.” ~Iain Murray
“An obvious set of perverse incentives simply stimulate more risk-taking by corporate management and investment firms in the future, resulting in even bigger future bailouts down the road. At a certain point this strategy of holding the wolf by the ears will become untenable.” ~Richard Morrison
“The math of 2 percent compound shrinkage demonstrates that the Fed wants to depreciate the dollar’s purchasing power by 80 percent in each average lifetime. Somehow the Fed never mentions this.” ~Alex Pollock
“In the name of preventing a second Great Depression, then-Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke opened a Pandora’s Box of monetary ills in 2008. And like the Greek myth, there may be no way of putting these ills back in the box.” ~Paul Mueller
“To judge whether monetary policy is loose, it is not enough to show that monetary aggregates are growing at historically low rates. What matters is whether the money supply is growing faster than money demand.” ~Alexander W. Salter
“Given that the reserve of gold can be viewed only as the federal government holding it for investment purposes, there is no particular reason to focus only on gold and not include other assets, including cryptoassets such as bitcoin.” ~Gerald P. Dwyer
“Interest payments now suck up more of the federal budget, leaving less to spend on important political priorities. Since Republicans and Democrats disagree about what those priorities are, the resulting fiscal strain amplifies partisan divisions.” ~Alexander W. Salter
“Interest payments on the debt alone surpass the budgets of many major federal agencies combined. At this point, federal debt service costs amount to approximately $900 billion, which is 17 percent of total federal spending.” ~Peter C. Earle
“Why not give the central bank a wider berth, if it helps to stabilize the economy? Because it doesn’t actually help. Interest rates are a distraction.” ~Alexander W. Salter
“Even if one thinks Trump is well-suited to make interest rate decisions (and there is little reason to think he is), it does not follow that Trump’s proposed solution would improve monetary policy.” ~Nicolás Cachanosky