The Trump administration needs to give the economy a dose of the right kind of nothing, relax the trade war antics and stop bashing trade partners, lay off the Fed, and by doing so will give real GDP growth a positive nudge.
Look back 150 years (from the end of the Civil War), ignore whatever party or president was dominant, and try to discern a relationship between the size, scope and power of the U.S. federal government and America’s economic growth rate.
Edward Stringham on Fox News comments on the growth rates of the American economy and the factors that go into causing it.
Long-term stability in economic growth owes to the robustness of economic organization in the United States. A single president might transform the economic landscape, but that transformation is necessarily constrained.
Conventional wisdom says that inequality in the United States is spiraling out of control. But what do the data actually say?
Long-run growth projections have plummeted since the Great Recession. How much blame does fiscal austerity bear for this bleak outlook?
Light, as we know it today, is a commodity. That would not have been possible without the institutional prerequisites — freedom to create, own, and exchange — that built the modernity we too often take for granted.
If all mixed societies are inherently unstable then why are they historically so common and why do many keep going for hundreds of years in peace and rising prosperity?
Uber is now even defending the rights of those who want to be drivers but who don’t have the money to get expensive driving permits.
Far from a vindication, the mid-20th century experience of the United States actually points to the futility of using confiscatory tax rates to counteract inequality.