“Simply tossing more money into the public education bureaucracy will not make things better. In fact it will be rewarding the very people who have orchestrated the mess that we are in today. After everything that has been done to American students, there should be a bipartisan consensus that without bold structural reform every new…
“The perpetuation of the myth of ‘The Scientific Method’ encourages the pretense that we understand science. More to the point, it encourages the false notion that, because we understand science so well, we can always rely on the implications of a thing called ‘The Science’ as the fount of all political wisdom.” ~ Scott Scheall
“Like Bryan Caplan, I love learning so much I decided never to leave school. I live for the lightbulb moments students have when they realize what economists mean by ‘at the margin’ or when they start using and applying the concepts we cover in class. Economically speaking, those are private benefits, however, and the case…
“You might think you’re saving money when you’re not. Unless you really enjoy cooking, you should probably have a meal plan and devote the time and energy you save on shopping and meal prep to studying. Look at the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook for the job you want, look at the hourly wage, and use…
“We got more teachers with all that money, but the main outcome was a massive expansion in the number of education administrators and other bureaucrats.” ~ Daniel J. Mitchell
“At this point, confusion or debate over school openings is completely unfounded. We knew of the extremely low risk of Covid-19 for children in April.” ~ Amelia Janaskie
“The 2020 college football season reminds us of truths that too many Americans have forgotten in the long months since March: Sports and other “nonessential” activities make life richer and better; a person or a society can be alive and not really be living; sheltering in place until a governor or scientist gives an “all…
“Society writ large would benefit if the ABA lost the authority to accredit law schools. If only there were a politician willing to take the lead on this issue.” ~ Allen Mendenhall