Topic: Fiscal Policy

Congress Could Unload the Fed’s Weapon

– March 21, 2024

“If Congress could balance its budget, which hasn’t happened since 2001, it would remove a bullet the Fed could shoot at the economy.” ~Vance Ginn


Young People Aren’t Nearly Angry Enough About Government Debt

– March 19, 2024

“We each owe more than $100,000 as a share of the national debt… Our earning years are subsidizing not our own economic coming-of-age, but retirement and medical benefits for people who navigated a less-challenging wealth-building landscape.” ~Laura Williams


Unrealized Gains Tax is an Economic Fallacy

– March 15, 2024

“Taxing unrealized capital gains from property, stocks, and other assets is a bad idea. It undermines economic growth, stifles innovation, and infringes on personal liberty.” ~Vance Ginn


Heaps of Trouble

– March 14, 2024

“The reason sorites logic is so difficult to diffuse is that there is no obvious line or threshold to be established somewhere between the incremental steps that begin with a budget surplus and end with a budget consumed by interest payments.” ~Jimmy Alfonso Licon


Congress Overspends, but the Fed Inflates

– February 28, 2024

“At most, large deficits impelled the Fed to support the market for government debt by purchasing more debt than it should have. The central bank, not the fiscal authorities, is the residual determiner of aggregate demand.” ~Alexander W. Salter


The Carbon Offset Dilemma

– February 27, 2024

“One really has to question the motives of climate activists who oppose the expansion of natural gas and nuclear power. Do they want to see realistic and sustainable environmental improvement or are they after some other kind of payout?” ~Paul Mueller


Realism, Restraint, and Prudence Needed in American Foreign Policy

– February 23, 2024

“The status quo American foreign policy — based on a desire for American global primacy — does not adequately promote American interests or prosperity, and in fact harms both.” ~Andrew Byers


Unleashing the Power of Free Markets

– February 23, 2024

“The granting of monopolies was being abused by the crown, and parliament determined to do something about it. Over time, it became obvious that granting monopolies had an adverse impact on the English economy.” ~Will Sellers


America Can’t Afford Bidenomics

– February 16, 2024

“The euphoria surrounding the January 2024 jobs report is misplaced. Policymakers should heed these warning signs and enact meaningful reforms to address root causes.” ~Vance Ginn


New AIER Podcast: Econception

– February 15, 2024

Experience the debut episode of AIER’s newest podcast ‘Econception,’ hosted by Dominic Pino. The economy is complicated, but markets work.


A Tale of Two Economies

– February 12, 2024

“There are three possible resolution scenarios to federal government borrowing and spending — none of them good for economic growth in the near term.” ~Paul Mueller


Rules over Discretion Provide a Path Forward

– February 9, 2024

“Averting an impending fiscal crisis requires substantial debate about these issues rather than the current partisan-fueled fire drill over continuing resolution funding.” ~Vance Ginn