Topic: Fiscal Policy

Inflation Already Ruined Your Super Bowl Party

– February 7, 2024

“The persistent inflation of the past three years saw spikes in tickets and hotel rooms, but also in the seemingly more affordable alternative: hosting or attending Super Bowl parties at home.” ~Peter C. Earle


Debt and Unfunded Liabilities

– February 5, 2024

“Unfunded liabilities stress state and local budgets and signal painful future tax increases just as much as bond obligations. Government debt is growing rapidly at all levels.” ~Tom Savidge


Immigration, Inflation, and Wages: Better Under Trump or Biden?

– January 19, 2024

“Ten months from now, there’s a high likelihood Biden and Trump could go head-to-head again for the presidency, especially after the results from the Iowa caucus. But voters should be informed about the effects of their policies on key issues like immigration, inflation, and wages.” ~Vance Ginn


Meet the Economist NPR Interviewed to Explain Why America’s $34 Trillion Debt Is Definitely Not a Problem

– January 17, 2024

“Printing mass amounts of money cannot solve the problem of scarcity. This fundamental economic reality, that we have limited resources and limitless wants, seems lost on Kelton.” ~Jon Miltimore


Presidents May Want a Line-Item Veto, but Citizens May Not 

– January 17, 2024

“The main story being told around the line-item veto focuses on congressional special interests. But Presidents have plenty of special interests, too.” ~Gary M. Galles


Subsidies: Cui Bono?   

– January 7, 2024

“When a tax is imposed, everyone potentially in its crosshairs, from buyers to sellers to workers and other suppliers of inputs to firms, wishes to avoid the burdens. They thus have incentives to dodge them by changing their choices.” ~Gary Galles


$34 Trillion and Climbing

– January 6, 2024

“The US government will never, ever, voluntarily cut spending. For our self-preservation, American citizens will need to find a means of arresting the Beltway’s profligate instinct.” ~Peter C. Earle


Economic Revolution in Argentina: A Wake-Up Call for America’s Fiscal Future

– January 1, 2024

“We can’t be too proud to take a tip from Argentina. The perilous outcomes of unchecked government spending can manifest anywhere.” ~Vance Ginn


Still Failing to Learn the Lessons of Antipoverty Programs

– December 30, 2023

“Our failure to recognize just how seriously the adverse effects of our efforts to ‘help’ people hurt them has come back to haunt America with a vengeance.” ~Gary M. Galles


A Short ESG Guide: Economic Problems

– December 29, 2023

“The current approach to mitigating climate change guarantees inefficiency and waste. No one knows which technologies and which companies will be most effective.” ~Paul Mueller


Can New Chef Milei Change Argentina’s Recipe?

– December 28, 2023

“The speech resonates because it directly addresses the reality of destroyed hopes and dreams that his supporters live with, and his solution is clear, consistent, and economically sound.” ~George Lynch


The Sputtering EV Market Shows What Happens When Companies Heed Planners Instead of Consumers

– December 27, 2023

“The US EV market is a mess, one many analysts say will get worse before it gets better. And automakers like Ford who bet big on the future of EVs are likely looking at pain, at least in the short term.” ~Jon Miltimore