Topic: Fiscal Policy

Weak Economy Provides Key Policy Lessons

– October 21, 2023

“Sure, supply-side factors contributed to higher prices in some markets, as did supply chain bottlenecks. But those are short-term fluctuations that don’t tell the entire story of reduced purchasing power for everyone.” ~Vance Ginn


Why “Free College” is a Terrible Idea

– October 20, 2023

“If the US were to embrace the idea that college should be an entitlement, the results would be very undesirable. More resources would be drawn into providing college education, and we’d get less educational value in return.” ~George Leef


Forced Reconversion to that “Old-Time Fiscal Religion”

– October 17, 2023

“Circumstances beyond our control will likely compel us to revert to something like the ‘old-time fiscal religion’ of balanced budgets during ordinary times, reserving deficits for extraordinary times.” ~Alexander W. Salter


Thinking Harder about “Special” Benefits

– September 20, 2023

“To the extent we believe in giving government assistance to those with incomes, we should trust them to love themselves and their families more than the government does and give them that aid in cash.” ~Gary Galles


A Macroeconomic Agenda for Freedom Conservatives

– August 25, 2023

“It’s time to hit the brakes on modern monetary theory, functional finance, and anything else that justifies using the federal budget as an instrument of social control.” ~ Alexander W. Salter


US Credit Rating Downgraded, Again

– August 3, 2023

“The reduction of the US credit rating is overdue in light of the long and enthusiastic abandonment of fiscal soundness in Washington DC, recently abetted by monetary policy authorities.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Playing Chicken with a Stack of Steering Wheels

– May 26, 2023

“People often complain about the ‘irrationality’ of politics, but there is nothing irrational about the process that has given rise to our crushing debt burden. Voters really do want lower deficits, provided it does not involve either cutting spending or raising taxes.” ~ Michael Munger


How Congress Should Reform the Fed

– May 18, 2023

“Congress should narrow the Fed’s regulatory concerns to maintaining adequate bank capital. It should also consider abolishing the discount window entirely.” ~ Alexander William Salter


So Why Aren’t We Paying Down the National Debt?

– May 11, 2023

“The world will remain a dangerous place, but the further the nation is from its credit limit, the more effectively the government will be able to respond when, not if, something goes seriously awry.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Krugman’s Magic Act

– May 10, 2023

“We’ve reached a point where the political class’s primary concern is no longer doing what’s best for the economy, but getting around the letter of the law while fooling the public as to what they’re really doing.” ~ Antony Davies


Hamilton’s Haircuts

– May 4, 2023

“Whatever you think of the wisdom of Hamilton’s moves, our point is simple and stark: The US government has defaulted in the past.” ~ David R. Henderson and Jeffrey R. Hummel


Tax Day: Inverting the Experience

– April 18, 2023

“Tax season’s sophisticated sleight-of-hand will have most Americans wondering what they’ll buy with their refund, instead of questioning whether they saw results for all the dollars they won’t get back.” ~ Laura Williams