“The underappreciated role of economic freedom and institutions in the determination of intergenerational income mobility is probably one of the most problematic omissions of the literature on income mobility. ” ~ Vincent Geloso
“Roads don’t have to be built by government, and we would be better off if we had left it to private enterprise and voluntary cooperation.” ~ George Leef
“The American System’s modern rehabilitators conveniently leave out the fact that every time it was tried in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Clay’s program unleashed a torrent of preventable policy disasters.” ~ Phillip W. Magness & James R. Harrigan
“I fear that LeBlanc underestimates the ability of the educational status quo to fend off competition from new institutions and approaches. Bureaucratic regimes tend to change very slowly and are usually dominated by the concerns of existing entities.” ~ George Leef
“We should be wary of eating the seed corn – but also wary of killing the proverbial goose that lays the golden eggs. The world’s poor deserve no less than the full opportunity of market exchange.” ~ Hannah Mead Kling, Julia R. Norgaard & Nikolai G. Wenzel
“The success of the Dutton family depicts the best parts of capitalism (a system based on incentives, trade-offs, and transactions) and the worst parts of cronyism (a system based on rent-seeking for power positions and policy preferences in the political realm).” ~ Kimberlee Josephson
“The historical record is clear: Gold-backed money is fully capable of delivering short-run stability and long-run prosperity. The Fed can’t.” ~ David Brat & Alexander William Salter
“More than what’s perceived as a culture-war fight, 303 Creative may have significant implications for the freedom of market participants to develop and sell their own unique talents without government regulation of what they may say.” ~ Cynthia Fleming Crawford
“Pushing excessive regulations on the crypto industry is likely to make crypto more risky, not less. Decentralized protocols built on the blockchain are already safer and more transparent than most regulated financial companies.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan
“Using the failures and crimes of politically connected crypto-exchanges like FTX to effectively chill innovation in this sector and regulate it away would deprive many Americans of new economic technology that could change lives for the better.” ~ Yaël Ossowski
“It is not a stretch to imagine how executives could appeal to their higher ESG responsibilities to justify lower returns to investors. Nor is it hard to see companies using these broad ESG commitments to curry favor with political leaders who prioritize specific causes.” ~ Samuel Gregg