“Only the stupidest of blunders could bring the Americans fully on to team Ukraine, and Ukrainians suffering from the aftermath of Euromaidan understand the fruits of political positioning without the capabilities to back it up.” ~ Todd Myers
“As revealed through various documents well after OWS, we know the agreements limit vaccine developers not selected for OWS from expedited clinical trials and a transparent process for authorization.” ~ Raymond J. March
“Just because climate change is the hottest topic in progressive policy circles today doesn’t mean that other issues won’t command similar attention in the future, as anti-nuclear and anti-firearms campaigns have in the past.” ~ Richard Morrison
“What is certain is that either a viable third party must soon emerge, or the two major parties will split the country as they continue desperately to hold to power in the name of an ever shrinking minority of the people.” ~ Antony Davies
“America is already far beyond what can be justified as advancing our mutual well-being. And our government seems determined to double down on how far it oversteps, a strategy which necessarily shrinks liberty, and the benefits only liberty can provide.” ~ Gary M. Galles
“With effective treatments, fear would be diminished, and vaccines would be judiciously deployed to those who demand them. Blocking discovery, via crony liability shields, costs lives.” ~ Barry Brownstein
“Americans need their own ‘best information available’ axiom to automatically reject assertions from media outlets that shamelessly kowtow to politicians and government agencies.” ~ James Bovard
“The effects of treating human beings like insects in mason jars with holes poked in the lid are coming to light. We cannot repair the damage done, but we can highlight and expose those who were responsible for the remainder of their waking days.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“When the FDA and other agencies curtail private efforts to battle Covid-19, including limiting the use of existing and established treatments, we place our trust in less capable hands.” ~ Raymond J. March