“In the end, Title IX has always had two faces. Either it is a law with content to be respected, or it is a blank slate whose meaning is in the eye of the beholder.” ~ Elizabeth Kaufer Busch
“Soprano is no role model for classic liberals because he made a living by extracting economics rents by fraud and force. But he reminds Americans that they are individual human beings first, Americans second, and who really cares about the rest?” ~ Robert E. Wright
“An impartial reading of them reveals rational commentary on the knowns and unknowns of energy and climate. The ads are hardly controversial.” ~ Robert L. Bradley Jr. & Richard Fulmer
“The problem in the South following emancipation wasn’t that blacks were unable to navigate a private property-based, market-oriented economy; but it was segregation, especially of the public schools, and Jim Crow laws in general.” ~ Clifford F. Thies
“Overshadowing the proceedings was the specter of totalitarianism—not just the recently vanquished National Socialist variety but also the Communist version then enveloping Eastern Europe.” ~ Samuel Gregg
“For Oakeshott, liberal education was always an adventure, never a duty or a burden. His insights are essential reading for anyone who desires to preserve and rejuvenate this most important adventure.” ~ Elizabeth Corey
“It is now they, not Jews, who must take to heart the phrase ‘Never Again.’ My Gentile friends should ask themselves: If it comes to it, when the mobs come, will I take in and protect my Jewish friends?” ~ Daniel Asia