“The neutral real interest rate is thought to be around 0.25 percent, suggesting the Fed may need to raise its nominal interest rate target another 175 to 200 basis points just to get to neutral.” ~ William J. Luther
“It’s important to get the basic economic relationships right when discussing monetary policy. Economic growth isn’t inflationary. Journalists and central bankers should stop saying otherwise.” ~ Alexander William Salter
“If successfully developed, flatcoins will join the ranks of other digital assets like Bitcoin, providing individuals and institutions with monetary solutions outside fiat currencies.” ~ Peter C. Earle & David Waugh
“Peter C. Earle, economist and research faculty at the American Institute for Economic Research, joined CBS News to discuss financial markets and the economy in light of the CPI report.” ~ AIER
“An administration which was evidently so troubled by ‘misinformation’ would more profitably target it not by establishing a ministry, but by looking in a mirror.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“Herding, of sorts, may thwart the effects of contractionary monetary policy measures to some degree. The Fed has a tough job ahead of it, one which may have just become a bit tougher.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“The Fed’s chief task is to restore its lost credibility. In retrospect, the switch to average inflation targeting was a mistake. It gave the Fed plausible deniability for noisier, less predictable policy.” ~ Alexander William Salter
“The United Nations’ penchant for promoting the most dunderheaded option at every opportunity might be respectable from the standpoint of predictability.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“The ease with which the concept is expressed, as if debt were an ice cube left on a driveway on a summer day, betrays the numerous costs associated with such a scheme. And that holds whether the undertaking is intentional or not.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“While interest rates can sometimes be useful as a policy barometer, the various monetary measures (from the monetary base at narrowest to total nominal expenditures at broadest) matter far more.” ~ Alexander William Salter
“On this episode of Liberty Curious, AIER Senior Research Faculty Thomas Hogan sat down with Kate Wand to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act.” ~ AIER
“The Fed failed at its initial task of promoting financial stability. It has failed at conducting monetary policy as well. Given the Fed’s major financial-policy and monetary-policy errors since 2008, we should explore major structural changes.” ~ Alexander William Salter