Topic: Property Rights

After Moore v. US, Wealth Taxes Are Only Mostly Dead

– July 15, 2024

“The question of whether the government could tax the defendants’ unrealized gains — a common device in what are often called ‘wealth taxes’ — seemed to be teed up. But Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who wrote the majority opinion, avoided it.” ~GianCarlo Canaparo


Investors Make Houses More Affordable, Not Less

– June 27, 2024

“Blaming high housing prices on private equity because they ‘bought up all the available homes’ is like blaming high food prices on grocery stores because they bought up all the available food.”


Boosters Beware: Stadiums Aren’t Magic

– June 14, 2024

“Just about every economist knows publicly financed stadiums are boondoggles that, if anything, imperil cities’ financial positions.” ~Art Carden


The Origins of The War on Prices

– May 28, 2024

“The past decade…has normalized the view that tampering with specific prices is no big deal. An unexpected inflation, arbitrarily redistributing income as it does, creates a fertile environment to justify controlling more prices still.” ~Ryan Bourne


More Housing Fixes (Almost) Everything

– May 27, 2024

“The right should like that housing deregulation means fewer rules burdening businesspeople and people earn higher real incomes. The left should like that housing deregulation means higher real incomes and lower inequality.” ~Art Carden


Texas Continues to Push Back Against ESG, But Is It Enough? 

– May 23, 2024

“The TPSF manages funds designated for education on behalf of Texas taxpayers. If the funds have lower returns because of asset managers’ ESG crusades, Texas taxpayers are on the hook.” ~Paul Mueller and Thomas Savidge


‘Tyranny’ by Any Other Name

– May 23, 2024

“The liberal version of true democracy is everyone getting to decide, peaceably, how to manage their own lives — not everyone being perpetually subjected to the whims of 50-percent-plus-one of their fellow men.” ~Richard Morrison


Private Governance Will Make You Free

– May 16, 2024

“Enforcement of these emergent rules can be accomplished largely by what Adam Smith called ‘propriety,’ rather than by armed employees of the state.” ~Michael Munger


Every Village a Republic

– May 10, 2024

“Article I, Section 10 might protect local communities from federal abuse, as intended by the Founders, but offers no tools to simultaneously protect ourselves from local tyrannies.” ~David Gillette and Thaddeus Meadows


Stakeholder Statism is Coming

– May 2, 2024

“ESG follows the trajectory of efforts by the progressive left to replace a free, voluntary, and competitive society… with centrally ordered institutions… to engineer their preferred society.” ~Richard M. Reinsch


Nippon Acquisition of US Steel 

– April 18, 2024

“Despite its shrunken condition, the Japanese suitor looks to infuse new life into this former behemoth with an infusion of cash, technology, and vision. Blocking this acquisition will result in losses to shareholders, workers, and our economy.” ~Joel Griffith


Preserve Architectural History with Incentives, Not Bans 

– April 9, 2024

“Removing government from the process by changing dated zoning regulations is the best path forward to solving the housing shortage. A small piece of the puzzle should be historic landmarks and district reform.” ~Jason Sorens and Thomas Savidge