“Because innovation is destined not only to reveal new ends that must be fitted into — and, hence, disrupt — the ‘common good capitalist’ plan, but also to create new and unanticipated means of pursuing ends, innovation must be suppressed if any ‘common good capitalist’ plan is to be seriously imposed.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“The LLPA would be immediately damaging to all Americans who have done the right thing, established solid credit and saved for an adequate down payment. It would be eventually damaging to those who are given unsustainable mortgages.” ~ H. Shelton Weeks & Nikolai G. Wenzel
“This is a recipe for housing stagnation. Strangling the supply of new market rate housing through these various programs means that existing market rents (whenever they are not regulated), must reach stratospheric levels.” ~ Raymond C. Niles
“We need to do two things to clean up this mess: unshackle the economy and shackle the administrative state. Bureaucrats and their political enablers can’t be trusted to curb their ambitions, so we must do it for them.” ~ Alexander William Salter
“If you force much higher wages — and a ‘living wage’ of $15/hour for an entry-level job in fast food is much higher — then you will ‘gentrify” jobs.’ ~ Michael C. Munger
“Arguments for ‘common good capitalism’ are chock-a-block both with factual errors and faulty economic reasoning of a sort not found in arguments for true capitalism.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“Given that there is already a severe shortage of labor in the landscape sector, the concern won’t be over what equipment is being used, but rather who will even opt to use it.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson
“In this episode of Liberty Curious, Kate Wand discusses the Obama-era Operation Chokepoint, and today’s ‘Operation Chokepoint 2.0’ with AIER Senior Research Faculty Thomas Hogan.” ~ AIER
“Prices, asset values, and profits and losses determined in open markets in which people spend and invest their own (and only their own) money are the only sources of information in a modern economy about which resource uses are worthwhile and which resource uses aren’t worthwhile.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux