
  • The Costs of Dodd-Frank

    The jury is still out on whether Dodd-Frank has made the financial system more robust. But we are starting to get a clearer picture of what impact it has had on compliance cost, bank lending, and bank consolidation.

    The Costs of Dodd-Frank
  • If You Try to Quit the Habit, We’ll Tax You

    Unfortunately, these foolish mistakes will be made on the back of smokers who may get to switch away from tobacco.

    If You Try to Quit the Habit, We’ll Tax You
  • No Economic System is Perfect

    No matter the ideology, anyone who seeks perfection in a philosophy summed up by one or two words will fall far short of that ideal.

    No Economic System is Perfect
  • We Should All Regulate Facebook and Google

    Relying exclusively on regulators to protect oneself against identity theft and other inappropriate uses of data is like leaving one’s car keys in the ignition because a would-be car thief faces the threat of jail time.

    We Should All Regulate Facebook and Google
  • On Family Leave, Leave the Market Be

    Social engineering done by those on the political right is nearly always as destructive as is social engineering done by those on the political left.

    On Family Leave, Leave the Market Be
  • Why Did This Libertarian Get Published in the Washington Post?

    Maybe it was just a fluke, but the willingness of the Post to countenance private ordering has given me renewed hope that there might still be some thinking statists left, people who can be persuaded to jettison faith in “compulsory monopoly” solutions to every perceived problem.

    Why Did This Libertarian Get Published in the Washington Post?
  • The Economics of Paid Leave

    The fact that the market does not supply as much paid leave as people would want if they did not have to pay full price for it is not a market failure; it’s a market success.

    The Economics of Paid Leave
  • Kill The Boeing Bank Once and For All

    From a political point of view, with Boeing so much in then news following two recent crashes and with many taking a hard look at all the ways the company may have benefited from government favoritism, it doesn’t seem like a good idea for any legislators to call for the revival the Bank of Boeing.

    Kill The Boeing Bank Once and For All
  • Facebook and Google Must Answer to the Market

    Facebook and Google’s ability to watch their customers has made many uncomfortable, but after 2018 both know that their customers are watching back.

    Facebook and Google Must Answer to the Market
  • The Slogan that Unleashed this Hell

    What we are seeing in our time are the results of a mandate that all personal problems must and should be channeled to political solutions demanded by a collective activist army, with the goal of constructing an apparatus of coercion and compulsion that knows no limits to its power.

    The Slogan that Unleashed this Hell
  • Golden Eggs and the Challenge of Our Time

    We must find ways to unrig the system where it has been rigged by special interest interaction with politics, to decentralize decisions so that accountability is more vivid and accessible, and to avoid empowering politicians and their appointees to pick winners and monopolize markets.

    Golden Eggs and the Challenge of Our Time
  • Abolish the Barber Board

    If getting rid of the regulations would be of such unambiguous benefit to Arkansans, why doesn’t it happen swiftly?

    Abolish the Barber Board