
  • “Break Up the Banks”

    “Big banks are bad for free markets. Far from being engines of free enterprise, they are conducive to what might be called ‘crony capitalism,’ ‘corporatism,’ or, in Jonah Goldberg’s provocative phrase, ‘liberal fascism.’ There is a free-market case for breaking up large financial institutions: that our big banks are the product, not of economics, but…

  • “Bailout Bonanza”

    “Sen. Chris Dodd’s latest bill to fix the financial system is another failure. After months of negotiation, he’s produced a “reform” of the regulatory system that simply fails to deal with the causes of the 2008 crisis — which nearly saw the collapse of the US banking system. Reform is urgently needed, but the senator…

  • “Placing our faith in economic oracles”

    “One of the sadder categories in the history of human misfortunes is the list of those things that are obvious, but wrong. By definition, if something is obvious, most people agree with it, and thus, it is likely to win the day – but lose the verdict of history. The Earth is flat – obviously.…

  • “More Muscle to Fed”

    “Mr. Dodd’s bill would allow the Fed to examine any bank-holding company with more than $50 billion in assets, and large financial companies that aren’t banks could be lassoed into the Fed’s supervisory orbit. This came after Treasury officials pushed Mr. Dodd to bring more companies under the Fed’s purview. Any financial company, from small…

  • Change Policy, Not Blame

    The Obama administration thinks it has found the cure all for its economic woes. The solution: regulate, restrict and play God in the economy. (Not exactly a new strategy for government.) In usual fashion, government regulations and Fed policies bring about unintended consequences, and the blame is pushed elsewhere. With the economy still limping, the…

  • Price “Stability” for Venezuela

    In something of a reversal of the usual government policies to keep prices high, the government of Venezuela is going to great lengths to keep prices low, even in the face of inflation. According to CNN, The Venezuelan bolivar currency, which had been fixed at 2.15 to the U.S. dollar since 2005, was devalued to…

  • Controls Wither

    Research Reports – 07/16/1951 Book Review: National Transportation Policy by Charles L. Dearing and Wilfred Owen

  • Whither Controls?

    Research Reports – 07/09/1951 Book Review: “Aiding Undeveoped Areas Abroad” edited by Halford L. Hoskins, The Annals, March 1950

  • Government Controls

    Research Reports – 10/02/1950