
  • Why Did the U.S. Copy China on Virus Control?

    “Our governments are ignoring public health ethics. They have hijacked science, imposed life-altering edicts based on bad theories, manipulated everyone with media and technology, and now tell us we can never return to normal. What is the endgame? It can’t be good.” ~ Stacey Rudin

    Why Did the U.S. Copy China on Virus Control?
  • Herbert Spencer’s Critique of the Board of Health in 1851

    “Although Snow’s work revealed the answer to the Cholera problem in 1854, the biggest obstacle to operationalizing this knowledge into fighting the disease was the public health bureaucracy itself and the entrenched political interests it had come to represent. Snow’s experience, in effect, proved the reality of Herbert Spencer’s assessment. Rather than improve public health,…

    Herbert Spencer’s Critique of the Board of Health in 1851
  • Canada’s COVID-19 Strategy is an Assault on the Working Class

    “Lockdowns have generated enormous collateral damage on other health outcomes, such as plummeting childhood vaccination rates, worst cardiovascular disease outcomes, less cancer screening, and deteriorating mental health, just to name a few. Even if all lockdowns are lifted tomorrow, this is something that we will have to live with – and die with – for…

    Canada’s COVID-19 Strategy is an Assault on the Working Class
  • Nursing Homes and Covid Fatalities: The Empirical Relationship

    “While not all deaths are preventable, we have a moral obligation to engage in focused protection rather than continue one-size-fits all approaches to public health. To the extent that resources for testing, vaccines, health care worker time, and federal grants are scarce, they should be focused on the most vulnerable, and few are more vulnerable…

    Nursing Homes and Covid Fatalities: The Empirical Relationship
  • The Censorship of Dr. Briand

    “The main problem with all of this goes far beyond Dr. Briand’s research. This is all representative of an unproductive orthodoxy that exists around Covid-19. An orthodoxy that has a set view on how to think and how to respond to the virus.” ~ Ethan Yang

    The Censorship of Dr. Briand
  • A Year of Backsliding in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

    “Rather than celebrating the progress made against this devastating, incurable disease, this year’s World AIDS Day is marked with a note of mourning. Lockdowns may shelter people from Covid-19, but no matter how well-intended they are, their burden inevitably falls on the most vulnerable. Only time will reveal how deadly these disruptions have been to…

    A Year of Backsliding in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS
  • Covid Misclassification: What Do the Data Suggest?

    “Even during the April peak, excess deaths from dementia were greater than excess deaths from all respiratory disease. This is very difficult to explain by any hypothesis other than death by lockdown.” ~ Gilbert Berdine

    Covid Misclassification: What Do the Data Suggest?
  • Viruses, Lockdowns, and Biomic Learning

    “The best testimony to the success of these mutual learning processes is not only the amazing story of Taiwan. It is our very presence on the planet today, some 8 billion learning systems strong, distributed as widely as human minds and interacting everywhere to ensure the survival of learning and growth.” ~ George Gilder

    Viruses, Lockdowns, and Biomic Learning
  • The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America

    “The substantial evidence that these mechanisms are not effective, particularly beyond their duration, has been automatically rejected for too long. This is not science: it is politics, and those within the profession who have refused to examine their confirmation biases, or manipulated the evidence to score political points, are utterly unqualified for the job.” ~…

    The Strangely Unscientific Masking of America
  • New Study Highlights Alleged Accounting Error Regarding Covid Deaths

    “The accounting error has likely led to a number of policy decisions that have drastically crippled our ability to support the general welfare of society, economically, socially, and spiritually. Going forward these findings should give us pause and reconsideration over the threat Covid-19 actually poses and realize how much avoidable damage we have done to…

    New Study Highlights Alleged Accounting Error Regarding Covid Deaths
  • Wishing that Hans Rosling Were Still Alive

    “People around the world, engulfed by the fear instinct, have allowed themselves to be stirred by the media – and by their political ‘leaders’ – into an hysterical terror over Covid-19. It’s too bad that Hans Rosling is not alive in 2020 to help the forces of sanity fight Covid Derangement Syndrome.” ~ Donald J.…

    Wishing that Hans Rosling Were Still Alive
  • Irish Scientists and Doctors Inveigh Against Lockdowns

    “The White Paper recommends four overarching strategies consistent with the 2019 WHO and Irish pandemic guidelines, including the removal of lockdowns and a focused protection of the vulnerable. Overall, this paper is an impressive study on lockdowns and presents a mountain of evidence that demonstrates lockdowns are not only ineffective but harmful to people and…

    Irish Scientists and Doctors Inveigh Against Lockdowns