
  • How Spreading Covid-19 Hysteria Will Backfire for the Covid-19 Vaccine

    “Risk can be mitigated and it can be proportional to the threat. We cannot let panic or the terrible damage inflicted on numerous populations by unwise lockdown efforts change this strategy.” ~ Michael Fumento

    How Spreading Covid-19 Hysteria Will Backfire for the Covid-19 Vaccine
  • Why So Gullible About Government in the Face of Covid-19?

    “Tamping down the Covid hysteria by making available accurate information about this disease is what well-informed and public-spirited governments would do. Yet such governments are largely mythical. Real-world governments behave quite differently.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

    Why So Gullible About Government in the Face of Covid-19?
  • Tyler Cowen Doubles Down

    “Both of Cowen’s pieces resemble the work of a mainstream journalist ignorant of market economics. The essence of economics is tradeoffs. Precious little in his two pieces talks seriously about tradeoffs.” ~ David R. Henderson

    Tyler Cowen Doubles Down
  • Climate Catastrophism and a Sensible Environmentalism

    “We should deal with the threats of climate change, but we should do so sensibly and in conjunction with other threats. Because one thing is dangerous and potentially harmful, every other dangerous and harmful thing doesn’t just go away.” ~ Joakim Book

    Climate Catastrophism and a Sensible Environmentalism
  • The Inconsistent Messaging Behind Lockdowns

    “We would all be better off if an honest and principled conversation can take place. If lockdowns are found to be undesirable based on all the various considerations from the science to the economics, then we can move on to more productive conversations. There is no need to flip flop, censor, misconstrue, confuse, or otherwise…

    The Inconsistent Messaging Behind Lockdowns
  • “Superstition in the Pigeon”: Can Lockdowns Really Stop Death?

    “We are faced with a virus with a 997 out of 1000 survival rate. We have done harder things before. We can only be free of this plague by remembering something we have always known: neither we, nor our favorite politicians, have control over death.” ~ Stacey Rudin

    “Superstition in the Pigeon”: Can Lockdowns Really Stop Death?
  • The Real Pandemic: Mass Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy

    “Given the coercive powers of the most important MSbP sufferers, the said governors, mayors, bureaucrats, etc., this pandemic–the MSbP pandemic–is wreaking untold havoc. We need more people to say we aren’t going to take it. We need more people to push back. We should not be in the thrall of the mentally ill.” ~ Craig…

    The Real Pandemic: Mass Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy
  • Is Cowen Right about the Great Barrington Declaration? Part 2

    “Cowen is right that governments have reacted by scaring people. That’s one reason the Great Barrington Declaration is important. It seeks to tell people not to be so afraid unless they’re particularly vulnerable.” ~ David R. Henderson

    Is Cowen Right about the Great Barrington Declaration? Part 2
  • Is Cowen Right about the Great Barrington Declaration? Part 1

    “Cowen’s big-picture criticism of freedom is less like Strauss (one of his favorite words) and more like Schrodinger’s Cat. He claims, in the last few paragraphs of his article, that the declaration ‘tries to procure maximum liberty for commerce and daily life’ and that its conception of human nature ‘raises the question of whether it…

    Is Cowen Right about the Great Barrington Declaration? Part 1
  • John Snow vs. The John Snow Memorandum

    “No thinking person today would question John Snow’s methodology or conclusions but every day more and more thinking people are rejecting the self-serving lockdown policies espoused by the signers of the John Snow Memorandum by declaring for Great Barrington instead.” ~ Robert E. Wright

    John Snow vs. The John Snow Memorandum
  • The Year of Disguises

    “It boggles my mind when there is some notion that by wearing a face covering you are actually doing a ‘service’ to your neighbor and therefore everyone has to protect everyone by this. Actually, the opposite is true. You are now becoming an additional potential source of environmental contamination. You are now becoming a transmission…

    The Year of Disguises
  • Matt Hancock is Wrong about Herd Immunity

    “The Great Barrington Declaration proposes a solution for how we may proceed in the face of such uncertainty. It suggests that we exploit the feature of this virus that does not cause much harm to the large majority of the population to allow them to resume their normal lives, while shielding those who are vulnerable…

    Matt Hancock is Wrong about Herd Immunity