“Mises’ central moral claim is that the public welfare cannot be respected without a methodology that respects all as individuals, and that socialism will inevitably destroy the individual.” ~ Garreth Bloor
“You may not find yourself worshiping at the altar of capitalism, but if you like iPhones, comparison shopping, and merit-based pay, you’re probably not a socialist.” ~ Albert Eisenberg
“We have polluted our political discourse with two words that no longer have much meaning: socialism and capitalism. In the process, we don’t call the animating principle of modern American politics what it actually is: transferism.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies
“No matter how terrible this moment might seem to some, almost any moment during the Cold War was worse. At least until December 26, 1991, when the Soviet Union was rudely tossed into history’s great trash can.” ~ Doug Bandow
“China’s leaders take deliberate steps to accomplish what is in their best interest within the constraints of their Leninist system. These objectives ultimately boil down to navigating a balance of control and freedom to maximize power.” ~ Ethan Yang
“The next time somebody accuses you of Social Darwinism, tell ‘em you want to help the poor to thrive by supporting policies that increase productivity and that allow people to help the unfortunate through charity, insurance, and other voluntary mechanisms.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“The U.S. will turn things around. We always do the right thing in the end. We’re not nearly as fragile as the ‘patriots’ on both sides believe. The croakers have never been right about the U.S., and the view here is that they’re not about to be.” ~ John Tamny
“‘Ideal’ socialism systematizes legalized theft and hence will be resisted in ways large and small, rendering it less productive than systems that recognize the way humans naturally cognize property.”~ Robert E. Wright
“The fact that the market, thankfully, is so robust as not to grind to a halt at the slightest provocation ought not be mistaken as evidence that government interventions into the economy are harmless unless and until they begin to resemble full-on socialism.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“As Mises summarized the fate of a fully socialized economy, ‘As soon as one gives up the conception of a freely established monetary price for goods of a higher order, rational production becomes completely impossible.'” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“If neither knowledge of, nor appropriate lessons from the reality of socialism-in-practice over the last one hundred years are learned, we may very well be condemned to repeat the past with all of its social, economic, and politically damaging consequences.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling
“History constantly teaches us that socialism, even when implemented in different ways, will fail and obstruct the growth that communities could have otherwise enjoyed.” ~ Amelia Janaskie & Micha Gartz