
  • Taxes, Special Privileges, and “Private Enterprise”

    “Income, corporation, and capital-gains taxes are taxes on the general welfare. Also harmful to the public welfare are protective tariffs and similar restrictions on how people may peacefully spend their own money.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

    Taxes, Special Privileges, and “Private Enterprise”
  • Is Wokeness the New Sumptuary Laws?

    “A truly free and socially-egalitarian society will reject sumptuary taxes, no matter what form they take. Awake to the woke, and reject how it’s spoke.” ~ Anthony Gill

    Is Wokeness the New Sumptuary Laws?
  • Income Distribution and Inequality

    “Invariably, however, the proposed solution to any form of income inequality has been an indiscriminate and highly punitive progressive tax on all income and wealth, regardless of how it was earned.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan

    Income Distribution and Inequality
  • Windfall Profits Tax Redux

    “Government intervention like windfall profits taxes keeps market participants, both producers and consumers, from acting to moderate extreme price changes on either the supply or the demand sides. It’s a proven strategy for making a bad situation worse.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan

    Windfall Profits Tax Redux
  • Biden’s Billionaire Tax Proposal

    “The proposal just gives more ammunition to the extreme left in the Democratic Party—Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and their allies.” ~ Randall G. Holcombe

    Biden’s Billionaire Tax Proposal
  • As Fred Smith Steps Down as FedEx CEO, President Biden Steps In It

    “Against the longest of odds, billionaires rush a much better future into the present to all of our betterment. Fred Smith’s amazing accomplishments vivify this truth.” ~ John Tamny

    As Fred Smith Steps Down as FedEx CEO, President Biden Steps In It
  • Taxes and State Competitiveness

    “Politicians in New York must be upset that there’s no way for them to drop lower than #50. But at least they can take comfort in the fact that they are worse than California.” ~ Daniel J. Mitchell

    Taxes and State Competitiveness
  • New Research Rejects Piketty and Saez’s Rewrite of Economic History

    “This development is significant because prominent policymakers rely on Piketty and Saez’s research to justify tax increases. These revisions must be taken into account by policymakers seeking to reduce inequality via tax policy.” ~ Amelia Janaskie & David Waugh

    New Research Rejects Piketty and Saez’s Rewrite of Economic History
  • Funding Obsolete Transportation

    “Transit subsidies make no more sense than subsidies to manual typewriters, rotary telephones, or steam locomotives. Designing transportation systems based on how people actually travel can make those systems safe, environmentally sensitive, resilient, and efficient.” ~ Randal O’Toole

    Funding Obsolete Transportation
  • Elon Musk’s Big Giant Enormous Tax Bill

    “Democratic proposals generally involve making the tax code even more complicated, with the Alternative Minimum Tax applying to increasing numbers of taxpayers, and increasing the demand for tax-planning.” ~ Clifford F. Thies

    Elon Musk’s Big Giant Enormous Tax Bill
  • The Live Free or Die State Points the Way to Low Taxes and Freedom

    “If you dream of a world where Congress respects your rights more than they covet campaign contributions from crony interests, the Congressional Apportionment Amendment would go a long way to restoring the Founder’s vision of a republic that guarantees individual rights.” ~ Barry Brownstein

    The Live Free or Die State Points the Way to Low Taxes and Freedom
  • A U.S. Wealth Tax Would Force Wealth Out of the U.S.

    “Since no other developed country taxes wealth in the aggressive way that the Democrats are proposing, passage of their proposed tax would result in a massive flight of human and financial capital out of the United States.” ~ John Tamny

    A U.S. Wealth Tax Would Force Wealth Out of the U.S.