“Robots handle repetitive tasks or heavy lifting that cause substantial wear on the human body, reducing the risk of injury to employees. Robotics with AI would complement, rather than substitute, human labor.” ~Janna Lu
“Google’s conduct does not prevent an innovator from making its own spot. Epic chooses to squander resources on legal actions, rather than developing better products for both vendors and consumers.” ~Peter Clark
“Both for equity and economic efficiency, government inducements to hasten the number of EVs or charging stations are a bad idea. Governments can better spend taxpayers’ monies. EVs have a promising future.” ~Kenneth W. Costello
“Most information is noise, and the human brain isn’t equipped for the overload that the modern world throws at us. Don’t clutter your brain with unnecessary stuff.” ~Joakim Book
“Political incentives being what they are, these evaluations of safety will be used to redirect and tweak AI models towards the priorities of the current administration.” ~Paul Mueller
“Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.” ~Emile Phaneuf III
“Hidden-city opportunities emerge when there are significant differences in the price elasticity of demand relating to certain itineraries with stopovers.” ~Christopher Lingle
“I like to explore innovations that promise not violent overthrow but rather ways to undermine or circumvent unjust authorities or corrupt incumbents.” ~ Max Borders
“Success is never guaranteed in a market economy, and business failure is not uncommon for industry leaders. Blockbuster and Kodak had near monopolistic status in their respective sectors but that couldn’t save them from tech innovations that took them down.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson
“Matt Taibbi has demonstrated his outstanding proficiency and excellence as a journalist by consistently exposing the covert development of a wide-spread network of state-sponsored censorship.” ~ Steve Dewey