Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary alternatives and financial regulation.
“Pure free market money is emerging upon the world to compete from a position of zero against a Goliath establishment. If it wins, the debate is settled. With luck, but thankfully without the permission of any planner, we all get to witness Hayek’s ideal of decentralization bear out across financial markets in all of the…
“We know all too well that when it comes to bureaucratic mission creep, it’s incredibly difficult to put the genie back in the bottle. That’s why we must work to right the Fed’s course starting now. Its roles in fighting recessions and preventing financial panics are too important to be hijacked by partisanship.” ~ Alexander…
“Dr. Darcy W.E. Allen, a vocal proponent of innovative digital technologies and the economics of blockchain, joins Ethan Yang for another rigorous discussion about his new book ‘Unfreeze: How to Create a High Growth Economy After the Pandemic and more.'” ~ AIER
“It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that bitcoin’s culture is changing. Getting to 100% bitcoin adoption remains a core plank of the bitcoin community. But now all routes to that goal seem open, including the use of government force.” ~ J.P. Koning
“Governments have few universally accepted goals. National defense, protection of property, and stability of the unit of account are arguably the three most important because all else rides on them. Hyperinflation destroys all three, so any serious risk of hyperinflation is simply unacceptable from a policy standpoint.” ~ Robert E. Wright
“Imposing the use of Bitcoin by force through a software oligopoly–through a scheme which may ultimately pose a threat to the entire El Salvadoran economy–is almost as far from Satoshi’s Bitcoin objectives as the fiat dollar is.” ~ Peter C. Earle
“If you who claim to identify a market failure could, but don’t, voluntarily put your own money where your mouth is in an attempt to address that alleged failure, why should anyone listen to your pleas for government to coercively put other people’s money where your mouth is?” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux
“Elements is a good refresher for people who haven’t thought about it in a while, and I think it’s also a good jumping-off point for teachers looking to organize lectures and classroom activities. Yes, markets tend toward equilibrium, but this Element points us to the journey, and that’s where all the entrepreneurial action is.” ~…
“To stabilize the economy, informed citizens must study the faults of discretionary central banking and call for reforms to protect against them. ‘Money and the Rule of Law’ accomplishes the first goal. The second is up to us.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan
“The evidence shows that banks treated excess reserves as a profitable alternative to loans. High rates of IOER caused them to increase reserve holdings and decrease their loan allocations. The Fed was indeed paying banks not to lend.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan
WJ Luther, N Sridhar. A Modern Guide to Austrian Economics, 200-215, 2022
BP Cutsinger, WJ Luther. Economics Letters 220, 110880, 2022
JL Jordan, WJ Luther. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 84, 510-515, 2022
JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther. The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, 51-68, 2022
JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 85, 200-207, 2022
PC Earle, DM Waugh. The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and …, 2023
PC Earle. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 24 (4), 2022
RM Yonk, D Waugh. Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications, 2023
RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 52 (4), 624-626, 2022
TL Hogan. The Review of Austrian Economics, 1-4, 2022
TL Hogan, DJ Smith. The Review of Austrian Economics, 1-23, 2022
TL Hogan. OP-1793,’Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large …, 2023
TL Hogan. Cato Institute, 2022
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