William P. Ruger, President
Michele Kearns, Vice President, Finance & Human Resources
Robert J. Schimenz, Secretary of the Corporation

Terry W. Anker
Katherine H. Delay
Gerald Dwyer
Nelson Furlano
Douglas L. Harwood
Frederick Harwood
Bradley K. Hobbs

Terry Kibbe
Adam Kissel
James C. Lordeman
Reed E. Phillips
Surse T. Pierpoint
Benjamin Powell

Peter T. Calcagno
Lenore Ealy
Kerry Halferty Hardy
Kirk Harwood
Keith A. Hocter

Raymond Niles
Barry Linder
Edward Lopez
Richard Seeley

Terry W. Anker
Donald Andrews
John L. Barry
William J. Bergman
Timothy J. Birney
Roy E. Bouffard
Anthony Carl Breuer
Peter T. Calcagno
J. R. Clark
Andrew Cline
Ramon DeGennaro
Katherine H. Delay
Stephen Dewey
Angela Dills
Stephen M. Doncaster
Harold F. Dvorak
Gerald Dwyer
Lenore Ealy
Richard Ebeling
Latimer B. Eddy
Jack Estill
Laura A. Fiske
John H. Foulke
Nelson Furlano

Thomas E. Gift
Anthony Gill
Opal Gilmore
Ronald A. Gilmore
Bruce Gore
James E. Greer
Meyer A. Gross
Kerry Halferty Hardy
Kirk Harwood
Frederick C. Harwood
Douglas L. Harwood
Michelle Harwood
W. Scott Harwood
Bradley K. Hobbs
Keith A. Hocter
Neil D. Holden
Howard Kent
Terry Kibbe
Adam Kissel
Steven E. Landsburg
Keming Liang
Barry Linder
Seth Lipsky
Gary Anthony Lombardo

Edward Lopez
James C. Lordeman
William J. Luther, PhD
Edward J. McLaughlin
Evan Miller
Stephen C. Miller
Robert Mulligan
Raymond Niles
Jason Osborne
Ramon Parellada
William S. Peirce
Reed E. Phillips
Surse T. Pierpoint
Benjamin Powell
Grant R. Randall
Bruce M. Rodenberger
Richard Michael Salsman
Robert J. Schimenz
Frederick J. Schroeder
Richard A. Seeley
David Spurr
Frank P. Statkus
Walker F. Todd
Gregory M. van Kipnis