Programs > Seminar Series in Classical Liberalism
Classical Liberalism and Business Seminar
This seminar is tailored for undergraduate and early-stage graduate students interested in the intersection of classical liberalism and business. We will explore the voluntary nature of classical liberal principles and their application to the business world, using examples from businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and renowned economists such as Adam Smith, F.A. Hayek, and Milton Friedman.
Unlike typical business courses, this seminar focuses on how accounting, marketing, management, and finance operate within a classical liberal framework.
Scholars from the University of Illinois Springfield and Chicago, Wabash College, AIER, and other institutions will lead the discussions.
Co-sponsored by the Academy On Capitalism, The Stephenson Institute at Wabash College, and AIER.
Upcoming Dates
June 8 – 14, 2025
Application Deadline: April 21st, 2025
Location: University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Meals & Accommodations: Provided
Travel: A $500 travel stipend is provided
The Seminar in Classical Liberalism
Join us for an engaging seminar exploring the origins and applications of classical liberalism, both in theory and practice. We will examine key ideas from thinkers like Hobbes, Locke, Adam Smith, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, and others, alongside contemporary classical liberals such as Deirdre McCloskey, Robert Higgs, and James Otteson. Through these discussions, we will uncover how classical liberal principles influence individual freedoms and societal organization, with a focus on public policy and governance.
Co-sponsored by The Stephenson Institute for Classical Liberalism at Wabash College and AIER.
Upcoming Dates
June 22 – 28, 2025
Application Deadline: May 5th, 2025
Location: Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Meals & Accommodations: Provided
Travel: A $500 travel stipend is provided
Classical Liberalism and The Market
This seminar is designed for undergraduate and early graduate students with an interest in the intersection of classical liberalism and market principles. Participants will delve into the voluntary foundations of classical liberal ideas and see how these concepts apply to the world of markets, illustrated with insights from entrepreneurs, market leaders, and influential economists like Adam Smith, F.A. Hayek, and Milton Friedman.
Unlike traditional market-oriented approaches, this seminar explores how accounting, marketing, management, and finance function within a classical liberal framework. Here, we focus on how these business disciplines contribute to individual freedom, voluntary exchange, and minimal government intervention. The market serves as a decentralized platform for free interaction between individuals and businesses, encouraging innovation, competition, and efficient resource allocation without heavy regulatory oversight.
Scholars from the University of Illinois Springfield and Chicago, Wabash College, AIER, and other institutions will lead the discussions.
Co-sponsored by the Academy On Capitalism, The Stephenson Institute for Classical Liberalism at Wabash College, and AIER.
Upcoming Dates
July 13 – 19, 2025
Application Deadline: May 27th, 2025
Location: University of Illinois Springfield, Springfield, Illinois
Meals & Accommodations: Provided
Travel: A $500 travel stipend is provided
The PRogram
Events curated with the rising scholar in mind.
Our Seminars are designed to elevate your scholarly abilities, provide networking opportunities, and expand the frontier of ideas.