Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary alternatives and financial regulation.
Our latest issue explores why economic misconceptions persist and the vigilance required to counter them.
“Financial privacy is very important for a free society. What we do reveals much more about who we are than what we say.” ~William J. Luther
“More cuts are projected for 2025, but not enough to return the stance of monetary policy to neutral.” ~William J. Luther
“Without structural reforms, inflation will continue to threaten the purchasing power of Americans.” ~Vance Ginn
“Rate cuts based on hindsight instead of foresight can confirm a recession but can’t prevent it.” ~Richard Salsman
“A 50 basis point cut in its federal funds rate target on Wednesday marks a reversal at the Fed.” ~William J. Luther
“The Fed should ignore the political noise and follow the data. Central bankers failed to curb inflation, but that doesn’t mean they should deliberately make the opposite mistake now.” ~Alexander W. Salter
“Treating cryptocurrencies like property for tax purposes discourages people from using them like monies.” ~Gerald Dwyer
“The federal funds rate target range is likely to be at least a full percentage point lower by the end of the year. That would significantly reduce the distance the Fed needs to travel in order to return monetary policy to neutral.” ~William J. Luther
“The math of 2 percent compound shrinkage demonstrates that the Fed wants to depreciate the dollar’s purchasing power by 80 percent in each average lifetime. Somehow the Fed never mentions this.” ~Alex Pollock
WJ Luther, N Sridhar. A Modern Guide to Austrian Economics, 200-215, 2022
BP Cutsinger, WJ Luther. Economics Letters 220, 110880, 2022
JL Jordan, WJ Luther. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 84, 510-515, 2022
JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther. The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, 51-68, 2022
JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 85, 200-207, 2022
PC Earle. Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 24 (4), 2022
PC Earle, DM Waugh. The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and …, 2023
RM Yonk, D Waugh. Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications, 2023
RE Wright. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 52 (4), 624-626, 2022
TL Hogan. The Review of Austrian Economics, 1-4, 2022
TL Hogan, DJ Smith. The Review of Austrian Economics, 1-23, 2022
TL Hogan. OP-1793,’Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large …, 2023
TL Hogan. Cato Institute, 2022