A monetary standard based on Bitcoin, a digital currency, would act something like the gold standard in making price levels more predictable and stabilizing exchange rates but would likely be undone by politicians and central bankers.
When enthusiasts of the free economy address a social problem by saying, “The market will handle it,” critics accuse them of being simplistic, even glib.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has tossed a wet blanket on initial coin offerings just as they were soaring as an alternative financing vehicle for young companies.
Taxes are being collected to help end the financial crisis that ended nearly a decade ago.
The Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act conveys a valuable lesson in where economic illiteracy can lead.
AIER’s Everyday Price Index fell 0.1 percent in July, confirming the message from the Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index reports: price increases overall remain very modest in the […]
The Penn State University climate scientist known for his “hockey stick” computer model and hair-trigger litigiousness has suffered a stiff check within the Canadian court arena. According to a story […]
The AIER Business Cycle Conditions Leaders index rebounded in July to a reading of 83 from 75 in the prior month. The Coinciders index remained at a perfect 100 for […]
Table of Contents Part I Otto N. Larsen Lundberg’s Encounters with Sociology and Vice Versa 1 William R. Catton, Jr. An Assessment of Lundberg’s Substantive Inquiries 23 Franz Abler Comments on Lundberg’s Sociological […]
The death of manufacturing in the United States is being postponed, even reversed, by foreign investment including that coming from China.