The Sound Money Project was founded in January 2009 to conduct research and promote awareness about monetary stability and financial privacy. The project is comprised of leading academics and practitioners in money, banking, and macroeconomics. It offers regular commentary and in-depth analysis on monetary policy, alternative monetary systems, financial markets regulation, cryptocurrencies, and the history of monetary and macroeconomic thought.
“Neoclassical treatments of inflation understate the costs associated with inflation, even at very low levels. A comparative institutions perspective that recognizes the epistemological properties of prices and the institutional process […]
“There is much evidence that common stock returns and inflation have been negatively related during the post-1953 period. Zvi Body, Jeffrey Jaffe and Gershon Mandelker, Charles Nelson, and my article […]
“President Obama rammed through his new stimulus bill, warning of an irreversible recession if Congress failed to act. But bestselling author Thomas E. Woods Jr. warns that Obama’s “stimulus package” […]
“Currency crises have become more and more frequent in part because speculators can mobilize more and more money. A generation ago, central banks, like the U.S. Federal Reserve System, had […]
Bernanke is Time’s Person of the Year Steve Horwitz The Austrian Economists
Ron Paul talks inflation and economics with CNN.
“Nobel Economics Laureate F.A. Hayek summed up the enigma of money succinctly: “Money, the very “coin” of ordinary interaction, is [hence] of all things the least understood and—perhaps with sex—the […]
Are monetary and banking problems due to a few misguided policies or incompetent managers? Or are there fundamental flaws in monetary and financial institutions, principally central banks and the legal […]
“My essay on causes of the financial mess focused on trying to identify the initial “impulses” that set the boom-bust cycle in motion because (as this symposium shows) economists have […]
“Our ongoing financial turmoil began in the mortgage market. Real-estate loans at commercial banks grew at a remarkable 12.26 percent compound annual rate over the four-year period from the midpoint […]
“The Monetary Theory” Chapter 3 of: Economics as a Coordination Problem: The Contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr. Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and MkMeel Inc., 1977.
“Monetary Nationalism Reconsidered” from Money and the Nation State by Lawrence H. White The Independent Institute